情報と物の管理に関する動詞 - 複製と模倣のための動詞
to take and use the work, words or ideas of someone else without referencing them
盗用する, 剽窃する
to copy intellectual material without permission or proper attribution
コピーする, 盗用する
to produce copies of a document or image typically using a photocopier or printer
印刷する, コピーする
to create an exact genetic copy of an organism or replicate something closely
to pretend to be another person by imitating the way they look and behave in order to fool others
なりすます, 模倣する
to copy the style, technique, or subject matter of another artist or artwork
模倣する, 真似る
to make an attempt at matching or surpassing someone or something, particularly by the means of imitation
模倣する, 凌ぐ
to create a humorous imitation of something, often to mock or satirize it
パロディする, 模倣する
to copy someone or something in every detail without thinking critically
真似る, コピーする