
食べ物と飲み物の準備 - Kitchenware










Words Related to Food and Drink Preparation
apple corer

a kitchen tool used to remove the core and seeds from apples, leaving the flesh intact for various culinary purposes

リンゴのコア取り器, リンゴの芯抜き

リンゴのコア取り器, リンゴの芯抜き

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apple cutter

a kitchen tool designed to cut apples into slices or wedges for easy and convenient snacking or cooking

アップルカッター, りんごカッター

アップルカッター, りんごカッター

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a special device or knife for removing the skin of vegetables or fruit

皮むき器, ピーラー

皮むき器, ピーラー

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a kitchen tool used to suction up juices or liquid from a container and then dispense them over food for basting

バスター, ドリッパー

バスター, ドリッパー

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a handheld tool that produces an intense flame for tasks like soldering, welding, heating materials, and culinary techniques such as caramelizing and browning food

バーナー, トーチ

バーナー, トーチ

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bottle opener

a small tool used to open the metal top of a bottle

ボトルオープナー, 栓抜き

ボトルオープナー, 栓抜き

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bread knife

a long, serrated knife designed specifically for slicing through bread and other baked goods without crushing or squishing them

パンナイフ, ギザギザのナイフ

パンナイフ, ギザギザのナイフ

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cheese cutter

a device used to slice cheese into thin, uniform pieces, typically consisting of a cutting wire or blade and a handle

チーズカッター, チーズスライサー

チーズカッター, チーズスライサー

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a lightweight, gauzy fabric commonly used in cooking and food preparation to strain liquids, bundle herbs and spices, and wrap cheese

チーズクロス, ガーゼ

チーズクロス, ガーゼ

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cherry pitter

a kitchen tool specifically designed for removing pits from cherries, making it easier to enjoy the fruit without the pits

チェリーの種取り器, チェリーのピッター

チェリーの種取り器, チェリーのピッター

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a large, heavy knife with a wide and rectangular blade that is typically used for chopping and slicing through meat and bones

肉切り包丁, 大きな包丁

肉切り包丁, 大きな包丁

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a plastic or metal bowl with many holes that is used for separating water from washed or cooked food

ザル, ストレーナー

ザル, ストレーナー

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a small tool with a pointy spiral metal for pulling out corks from bottles

コルク抜き, 栓抜き

コルク抜き, 栓抜き

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cutting board

a wooden or plastic board on which meat or vegetables are cut

まな板, 切板

まな板, 切板

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egg timer

a glass object showing three to five minutes by sand flow, used to measure the time it takes to boil eggs

計卵器, 砂時計

計卵器, 砂時計

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fish slice

a kitchen tool with a long, flat, and slightly curved surface used for flipping and turning delicate foods like fish

魚フライ返し, 魚用スパチュラ

魚フライ返し, 魚用スパチュラ

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a kitchen tool with a broad and flat part on one end, used for turning and lifting food



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a flat kitchen utensil with a long handle used to lift and flip foods, such as pancakes, burgers, and vegetables, while cooking

ターンバー, スパチュラ

ターンバー, スパチュラ

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a kitchen utensil that is used for separating coarse and fine particles, such as flour, sugar, or cocoa powder, by passing them through a mesh screen or sieve

ふるい, 篩

ふるい, 篩

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a special grinding machine that crushes grain into flour

製粉機, ミル

製粉機, ミル

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a cone-shaped kitchen tool used for pouring liquids or powders into a container with a small opening without spilling

じょうご, funnel

じょうご, funnel

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garlic press

a small handheld kitchen tool used for crushing garlic

にんにくプレス, にんにく潰し

にんにくプレス, にんにく潰し

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a kitchen tool having a surface with sharped holes used for cutting food into very small pieces

おろし金, キッチンおろし金

おろし金, キッチンおろし金

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a kitchen tool with many holes used for separating solid materials from liquids

ストレーナー, ふるい

ストレーナー, ふるい

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a type of large spoon with a long handle and a deep bowl, particularly used for serving liquid food

おたま, スープ用おたま

おたま, スープ用おたま

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a handheld tool with a conical ridged end used for manually extracting juice from citrus fruits like lemons, limes, and oranges

レーマー, 柑橘絞り器

レーマー, 柑橘絞り器

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a handheld tool designed to extract juice from fruits and vegetables by applying pressure to the fruit while it is placed in the device

絞り器, ジュース搾り器

絞り器, ジュース搾り器

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measuring cup

a container with numbers on it for measuring the quantity of something when cooking, used mainly in the US

計量カップ, メジャーカップ

計量カップ, メジャーカップ

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meat tenderizer

a kitchen tool, usually a mallet or a spiked device, used to physically break down the muscle fibers and connective tissue of tough cuts of meat to make it more tender

肉たたき, 肉柔らか器

肉たたき, 肉柔らか器

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a flat tool resembling a shovel, often used by bakers for transferring loaves or other food items into or out of an oven

ペール, スコップ

ペール, スコップ

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pepper mill

a kitchen tool used to grind whole peppercorns into a finer powder

ペッパーミル, 香辛料ミル

ペッパーミル, 香辛料ミル

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a thick, insulated pad or cloth used in the kitchen to protect hands from hot cookware or to grip and handle hot pots, pans, and dishes safely

鍋つかみ, ミトン

鍋つかみ, ミトン

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rolling pin

a cylindrical, usually wooden, kitchen tool with handles, used to flatten dough or pastry

麺棒, ロール・ピン

麺棒, ロール・ピン

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a device used to weigh people or objects

体重計, スケール

体重計, スケール

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a tool with many small holes and a wire net used for separating solid materials from smaller ones or liquids

ふるい, こし器

ふるい, こし器

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slotted spoon

‌a spoon of a large size with holes, used for separating solid pieces of food from liquid

穴あきスプーン, スロットスプーン

穴あきスプーン, スロットスプーン

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a type of wire-mesh skimmer used to remove food items from hot liquids or oil, typically has a long handle and a shallow, wide wire basket similar to a spider's web

お玉, スパイダー

お玉, スパイダー

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tin opener

a kitchen tool designed to open metal cans by cutting through the top with a rotating blade and a serrated wheel

缶切り, 缶オープナー

缶切り, 缶オープナー

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a strong, thin cord, often used in cooking to tie up meat or vegetables before cooking, or for bundling herbs or other food items together for easy removal from soups or stews

ひも, ツイスト

ひも, ツイスト

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‌a handheld object with small pieces of curved wire used for whipping cream or eggs

泡立て器, ホイッパー

泡立て器, ホイッパー

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a kitchen tool designed to remove the zest, or the colored outer layer of citrus fruit, such as lemons, limes, and oranges, in thin strips or shreds

ゼスター, 柑橘の皮むき器

ゼスター, 柑橘の皮むき器

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can opener

a tool used to open cans of food

缶切り, 缶オープナー

缶切り, 缶オープナー

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tea strainer

a small mesh or perforated device used to strain tea leaves or other solids from liquid tea when pouring from a teapot or teacup

お茶のこし器, 茶漉し

お茶のこし器, 茶漉し

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oven glove

a protective textile glove used to handle hot cookware or bakeware in the oven

オーブングローブ, 料理用手袋

オーブングローブ, 料理用手袋

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a flat board or platter used to serve and display a variety of cheeses, often accompanied by other foods such as crackers, fruits, nuts, or meats

チーズボード, チーズプレート

チーズボード, チーズプレート

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chopping block

a large, sturdy, and durable wooden or plastic board used for chopping, slicing, and preparing food

まな板, カッティングボード

まな板, カッティングボード

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chopping board

a flat board used in the kitchen for cutting vegetables, fruits, meat, and other food items

まな板, 切り板

まな板, 切り板

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dish rack

a kitchen tool used to hold and dry dishes after washing

皿干しラック, 皿置き

皿干しラック, 皿置き

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a flat board made of wood, plastic, or other materials, primarily used for slicing bread or other baked goods

パンボード, カッティングボード

パンボード, カッティングボード

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cooling rack

a raised and open grid-like structure used to place freshly baked or cooked food to cool

冷却ラック, 冷却用ラック

冷却ラック, 冷却用ラック

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egg slicer

a kitchen tool used for slicing boiled eggs into even, thin slices

卵スライサー, ゆで卵スライサー

卵スライサー, ゆで卵スライサー

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a handheld kitchen tool with two or more beaters or whisks used to beat, whisk, or mix ingredients by hand

ハンドミキサー, 卵かき器

ハンドミキサー, 卵かき器

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kitchen scissors

a pair of scissors specifically designed for use in the kitchen, typically used for cutting food items such as herbs, meats, or packaging

キッチンばさみ, 食品用はさみ

キッチンばさみ, 食品用はさみ

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an object that is used for cooking or eating

器具, 調理器具

器具, 調理器具

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a kitchen tool used for slicing fruits and vegetables with an adjustable blade



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measuring spoon

a kitchen utensil with standardized capacities used for measuring small amounts of ingredients

計量スプーン, メジャースプーン

計量スプーン, メジャースプーン

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a type of kitchenware used for making and serving coffee, usually made of metal or ceramic, and featuring a spout for pouring and a handle for carrying

コーヒーポット, コーヒー壺

コーヒーポット, コーヒー壺

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a kitchen tool designed to mash cooked vegetables, fruits, or other foods into a soft and uniform texture

マッシャー, つぶし器

マッシャー, つぶし器

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a device used to measure the time that something takes, used when doing something such as cooking

タイマー, ストップウォッチ

タイマー, ストップウォッチ

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a kitchen tool used for mashing and pureeing food into a fine and uniform texture, typically used for making mashed potatoes or baby food

リッサー, マッシャー

リッサー, マッシャー

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a kitchen gadget used to turn vegetables or fruits into spiral shapes

スパイラライザー, 野菜スパイラル切り

スパイラライザー, 野菜スパイラル切り

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a small, typically metal or plastic, kitchen tool used to cut dough or fondant into various decorative shapes

クッキー型, クッキー型抜き

クッキー型, クッキー型抜き

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cheese press

a kitchen tool used in the production of cheese to press and shape the curds into a solid block or wheel

チーズプレス, チーズ圧縮器

チーズプレス, チーズ圧縮器

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