
本 Solutions - 中上級 - ユニット 7 - 7A

ここでは、「虚偽」、「歪曲」、「偽善的」など、ソリューション上級中級コースブックのユニット 7 ~ 7A の語彙を見つけることができます。









Solutions - Upper-Intermediate

the true principles or facts about something, in contrast to what is imagined or thought

真実, 事実

真実, 事実

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the act of making a false copy or imitation of a document, signature, banknote, or work of art with the intent to deceive or defraud

偽造, 虚偽

偽造, 虚偽

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to cheat

to win or gain an advantage in a game, competition, etc. by breaking rules or acting unfairly

ずるをする, 騙す

ずるをする, 騙す

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to deceive

to make a person believe something untrue

騙す, 欺く

騙す, 欺く

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to disguise

to change one's appearance, behavior, or nature in order to conceal one's identity or true nature

変装する,  disguise

変装する, disguise

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to distort

to change and twist a fact, idea, etc. in a way that no longer conveys its true meaning

歪める, ねじ曲げる

歪める, ねじ曲げる

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to exaggerate

to describe something better, larger, worse, etc. than it truly is

誇張する, 大げさに言う

誇張する, 大げさに言う

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to fabricate

to create or make up something, especially with the intent to deceive

製作する, 偽造する

製作する, 偽造する

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to fib

to tell a small or trivial lie that is not meant to cause harm or serious consequences

小さな嘘をつく, 軽い嘘を言う

小さな嘘をつく, 軽い嘘を言う

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to fool

to trick someone by making them believe something false or absurd

騙す, だます

騙す, だます

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to lie

to intentionally say or write something that is not true

嘘をつく, 欺く

嘘をつく, 欺く

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to make an excuse

to give a reason or explanation to avoid doing something or to explain a mistake or failure

to manipulate

to control or influence someone cleverly for personal gain or advantage

操作する, 操る

操作する, 操る

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to mislead

to cause someone to believe something that is not true, typically by lying or omitting important information

誤解させる, 欺く

誤解させる, 欺く

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to own up

to confess and take responsibility for one's mistakes

認める, 責任を取る

認める, 責任を取る

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to pass off

to present oneself or something as someone or something else in a deceptive manner

偽る, 呈示する

偽る, 呈示する

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to photoshop

to alter or manipulate an image using Adobe Photoshop or a similar digital editing software

フォトショップする, 編集する

フォトショップする, 編集する

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to reveal

to make information that was previously unknown or kept in secrecy publicly known

明らかにする, 暴露する

明らかにする, 暴露する

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to swear

to strongly promise something, usually in serious or formal situations

誓う, 約束する

誓う, 約束する

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to tell

to use words and give someone information

言う, 伝える

言う, 伝える

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a statement that is false and used intentionally to deceive someone

嘘, 偽り

嘘, 偽り

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(of a person or statement) telling the truth without deceit or falsehood

真実の, 誠実な

真実の, 誠実な

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made or intended to be like the original or real version of something

偽, 模造

偽, 模造

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existing at the start of a specific period or process



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supported by evidence or verifiable information

明確な, 証明された

明確な, 証明された

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causing someone to have a wrong idea or impression, usually by giving incomplete or false information

ずる賢い, 策略的な

ずる賢い, 策略的な

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able to be trusted or relied on

信頼できる, 頼りになる

信頼できる, 頼りになる

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having a preference or unfair judgment toward one side or viewpoint over others

偏った, バイアスのある

偏った, バイアスのある

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expressing thoughts or feelings clearly and without evasion

直接的な, 明確な

直接的な, 明確な

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the act of not telling the truth or deliberately misleading someone in order to gain an advantage or avoid punishment

不誠実, 詐欺

不誠実, 詐欺

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telling the truth and having no intention of cheating or stealing

正直な, 誠実な

正直な, 誠実な

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acting in a way that is different from what one claims to believe or value

偽善的な, 偽善者

偽善的な, 偽善者

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influencing or controlling others in an unfair or deceptive way, often to achieve one's own goals

操る, 操作的

操る, 操作的

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behaving honestly and without hiding one's feelings and thoughts

オープン, 率直

オープン, 率直

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involving behaviors, actions, or decisions that are morally wrong

非倫理的な, 不道徳な

非倫理的な, 不道徳な

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