本 Insight - 初中級 - ユニット 6 - 6A - パート 1
ここでは、「逮捕」、「犯罪者」、「合理的」など、Insight 初中級コースブックのユニット 6 - 6A - パート 1 の語彙を見つけることができます。
to become involved in a problematic or difficult situation, often as a result of one's actions or decisions
(of law enforcement agencies) to take a person away because they believe that they have done something illegal

逮捕する, 拘束する

to cause someone suffering for breaking the law or having done something they should not have

罰する, 懲罰する

to experience the consequences or punishment for what one has done or believes

代償を払う, 結果を受ける

to ask a person to pay a certain amount of money in return for a product or service

請求する, チャージする

a building where people who did something illegal, such as stealing, murder, etc., are kept as a punishment


(of a person) having an obligation to do something or to take care of someone or something as part of one's job or role


neglecting one's duties or obligations, often causing harm or inconvenience to others

無責任な, いい加減な

not fully developed mentally or emotionally, often resulting in behaviors or reactions that are childish

未熟な, 子供っぽい