本 Insight - 中上級 - ユニット5 - 5A
ここでは、Insight 上級中級コースブックのユニット 5 ~ 5A の「しがみつく」、「促す」、「委ねる」などの語彙を見つけることができます。
to cause a machine, device, or system to start working or flowing, usually by pressing a button or turning a switch

オンにする, 起動する

to give someone the responsibility of taking care of something important, such as a task, duty, or information

委ねる, 託す

used to express the urgency or immediacy of completing a task or taking action without unnecessary delay

できるだけ早く, すぐに

a common abbreviation used in texts or online conversations, which means one does not know something

わからない, 知らない

an abbreviation that is used in texting to express one's personal opinion about a particular subject
used especially in text or online messages to express laughter or amusement about something funny

笑い声, ラフングアウタウド

used in a text message, email, etc. to express one's doubt while giving an opinion
used in online conversations indicating that one would be back after a short time

すぐ戻ります, ちょっと待ってください

used in written or spoken communication to indicate that the information being provided is intended to inform the recipient, but not necessarily requiring any action on their part
used to introduce a new topic or information that is related to the ongoing conversation

ところで, ちなみに

used to introduce a piece of information or opinion that may not be very valuable or significant, but is offered anyway

それに値するもの, どれほど重要であろうが

used in informal settings such as text messages or emails to thank someone in advance for their help or assistance

事前の感謝, あらかじめ感謝

used in written or spoken conversations to indicate that someone has shared more personal or detailed information than is comfortable or necessary

情報が多すぎる!, 詳細すぎる!

an abbreviation commonly used in online conversations and social media posts to encourage living life to the fullest and taking risks

人生は一度きり, 全力で生きる

commonly used in online messaging, texting, and email to mean the speaker will be away but intends to return later

またね, 後でね

commonly used in online gaming to wish other players well before a match, it may also be used in other online contexts to wish someone luck

GLHF(楽しんで幸運を), GLHF(皆に幸運を)

used in online messaging, texting, and email to ask someone to inform them about something
used in used in informal written communication to politely reject a suggestion or proposal that is deemed unsuitable or unfeasible

丁寧な拒否, 友好的な拒否

commonly used in online messaging and social media to indicate that something is extremely funny

爆笑, 腹を抱えて笑う

used in online messaging, texting, and email as a friendly way to indicate that the conversation is ending but the speakers will communicate again in the future

後でね, またね

to accept a change or a new situation and be ready to continue with one's life and deal with new experiences, especially after a bad experience such as a breakup

先に進む, 移行する

to loudly support or encourage someone, especially during a performance or competition

応援する, 声援を送る

to include or attach something to an existing thing, usually with the intention of increasing its value, functionality, or capacity

追加する, 加える