ACT 人文科学 - 紛争とコンプライアンス
ここでは、ACT を成功させるのに役立つ「仲裁」、「遵守」、「襲撃」など、紛争とコンプライアンスに関連するいくつかの英単語を学びます。
to fight or contend against someone or something, often in a physical or armed conflict

戦う, 闘う

to cause or impose something unpleasant, harmful, or unwelcome upon someone or something

与える, 押し付ける

to treat someone unfairly or cruelly, often because of their race, gender, religion, or beliefs


to show disagreement by taking action or expressing it verbally, particularly in public

抗議する, 反対する

to enter a territory using armed forces in order to occupy or take control of it

侵攻する, 侵入する

to make secret plans with other people to commit an illegal or destructive act

陰謀を巡らす, 共謀する

to launch a vigorous or violent attack on someone or something, either physically or verbally

襲撃する, 攻撃する

to help end a dispute between people by trying to find something on which everyone agrees

仲裁する, 調停する

to defeat someone or something using superior strength, force, or influence

圧倒する, 制圧する

a state of heated disagreement, often coming from different viewpoints or interests

対立, 論争

a sudden and brief attack to other territory, especially in large numbers and across a border

侵入, 攻撃

a situation of hostility or strong disagreement between two opposing individuals, parties, or groups

対立, 衝突

being without protection or means of defending oneself from harm or attack

無防備な, 防御のない

refusing or failing to follow rules, orders, or instructions, often showing resistance to authority

不従とな, 反抗的な

to adopt or accept a particular cause, ideology, practice, method, or lifestyle as one's own

受け入れる, 抱きしめる

a middle state between two opposing situations that is reached by slightly changing both of them, so that they can coexist

妥協, 合意