"burn Rubber" 및 "call Shotgun"과 같은 차량과 관련된 영어 관용구에 대해 알아보세요.
to gradually slow down and come to a complete stop
누군가 또는 사물이 움직이지 않을 때
to accelerate very fast, particularly so that smoke can be seen coming out from the tires
매우 빠르게 가속
to have a tendency to drive very fast
매우 빠르고 위험하게 운전함
to take the front passenger seat in a vehicle such as a car or truck
앞자리에 앉다
a car, particularly one that is very desirable or expensive
to take a vehicle for a brief, leisurely ride
차를 타고 돌아다니다
to state that one will be sitting in the seat next to the driver in a vehicle
다른 사람에게 앞자리에 앉고 싶다고 말할 때