여기서는 "wake", "doze", "slumber"와 같은 수면 주기를 나타내는 몇 가지 영어 동사를 배우게 됩니다.
to become conscious again after sleeping
깨다, 깨우다
to stop sleeping and become aware
깨우다, 일어나다
to no longer be asleep
깨어나다, 깨우다
to choose not to go to bed and remain awake
깨어있다, 자지 않다
to wake someone up
깨우다, 일깨우다
to wake up and get out of bed
일어나다, awake
to rest our mind and body, with our eyes closed
자다, 잠들다
to take a short period of sleep, typically during the day
낮잠 자다, 눈을 붙이다
to sleep, typically in a calm and peaceful manner
잠자다, 억지로 잠들다
to sleep lightly for a short amount of time
졸다, 낮잠 자다
to sleep lightly for a brief amount of time
낮잠자다, 졸다
to take a short and light nap, typically lasting only a few minutes
잠깐 졸다, 짧게 잠을 자다
to be in a state of light sleep
졸다, 졸리다
to take a short and casual nap
낮잠을 자다, 조는
to remain asleep without being awakened by a noise or activity
잠이 들다, 자고 넘기다
to fall asleep, often unintentionally or unexpectedly
졸다, 잠이 들다