Invloed en Betrokkenheid - Persuasion
Ontdek Engelse idiomen die betrekking hebben op overtuigingskracht, waaronder 'bungel een wortel voor' en 'snelle prater'.
carrot and stick
a type of system that rewards individuals for some of their actions and punishes or threatens them for some of their other actions
to offer somebody a carrot
to make effort to convince an individual to do something for one by offering a reward for their action
to dangle a carrot in front of somebody
to make someone excited about doing something by promising them a reward
to talk (some) sense into somebody
to make someone start thinking sensibly by the means of help or persuasion
fast talker
a person who is good at using words to convince or trick others into doing what they want

snelprater, oplichter

[zelfstandig naamwoord]

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