Woordenschat voor IELTS (Basis) - Dieren
Hier leert u enkele Engelse woorden over dieren, zoals "amphibian", "domestic", "mule", enz. die nodig zijn voor het IELTS-examen.
a large animal living in both water and on land which has strong jaws, a long tail, and sharp teeth


any cold-blooded animal with the ability to live both on land and in water, such as toads, frogs, etc.


a tailless animal similar to a monkey, such as chimpanzees and gorillas

aap, mensaap

the young offspring of a cow or bull, typically less than one year old


large farm animals, such as cows and bulls, raised for meat, milk, or labor

describing an animal that its body temperature changes depending on the temperature of its surroundings


any living thing that is able to move on its own, such as an animal, fish, etc.

schepsel, levend wezen

(of an animal) capable of living with humans, either on a farm or as a pet in a house

inheems, hond/kat

a tall animal with a very long neck and long legs that has brown spots on its yellow fur


a small furry animal with rounded ears, short legs and no tail, which is often kept as a pet or for research

guinea pig, cavia

a group of animals, such as cows, sheep, etc. that are from the same species, which move and feed together

herd, groep

a large wild animal from the cat family with yellow fur and hollow black spots


an animal that is the offspring of a male donkey and a female horse, which is particularly used to carry heavy loads


a bull used on farms to carry heavy loads, which its sex organs are partly removed

os, stier

an animal such as a dog or cat that we keep and care for at home

huisdier, huisdieren

any mammalian animal that belongs to the same group as humans, such as monkeys, apes, lemurs, etc.


a class of animals to which crocodiles, lizards, etc. belong, characterized by having cold blood and scaly skin


a group that animals, plants, etc. of the same type which are capable of producing healthy offspring with each other are divided into

soort, type

the part of the body of an animal, a bird or a fish that sticks out at the back, which can move

staart, achterste lid

a type of turtle that lives on land and moves very slowly, with a large shell on its back

schildpad, landschildpad

(of an animal or plant) living or growing in a natural state, without any human interference

wild, natuurlijk

a class of animals to which humans, cows, lions, etc. belong, have warm blood, fur or hair and typically produce milk to feed their young


the skin of an animal that has died with its thick and soft hair still on it

vacht, bont

(of an animal, plant, etc.) being at risk of extinction

bedreigd, gevaarlijk