Algemene Training IELTS (Band 5 en Lager) - Human Body
Hier leert u enkele Engelse woorden met betrekking tot het menselijk lichaam die nodig zijn voor het General Training IELTS-examen.
the bony structure that surrounds and provides protection for a person's or animal's brain
any of the hard pieces making up the skeleton in humans and some animals
the thin layer of tissue that covers the body of a person or an animal
huid, epidermis
the structure of bones supporting the body of an animal or a person
a piece of body tissue that is made tight or relaxed when we want to move a particular part of our body
the rhythmic beating of the blood vessels created when the heart pumps, especially felt on the wrist or at the sides of the neck
pols, slaan
a complex network of organs and cells working together to support and sustain life
systeem, organisch netwerk
the part of the body between the ribs and hips, which is usually narrower than the parts mentioned
taille, heup
the front part of the body between the neck and the stomach
borst, thorax
the body part that is inside our head controlling how we feel, think, move, etc.
the body part that pushes the blood to go to all parts of our body
to take air or substances into the lungs by breathing in
inademen, inhaleren
to breathe air or smoke out through the mouth or nose
uitademen, uitblazen