a polite and respectful expression, either through words or actions, that shows high regard or esteem for someone

deferencja, szacunek

showing respect and esteem toward someone, especially a superior

uległy, szacunek

extremely unfair or morally wrong, often seen as sinful

niesprawiedliwy, niemoralny

the process of combining various ingredients to produce something, often a medicine or drink

mieszanka, preparat

a collection of sweet items, such as candies, chocolates, and baked goods, usually made with sugar or other sweeteners

cukierki, cukiernia

having an unpleasantly proud and arrogant demeanor, displaying a demand for obedience

władczy, arogancki

someone who operates a machine, especially an industrial one

operator maszyny, machinista

an individual who is devoted to a religious life through solemn commitments or vows

wotarz, oddany

nervous or worried that something unpleasant may happen

zaniepokojony, niespokojny

able to be melted or combined when subjected to heat

topniejący, możliwy do stopienia

the branch of medicine that is concerned with bones and muscles, and their diseases and injuries
