to settle a disagreement or conflict by both sides making concessions

kompromitować, osiągnąć kompromis

to officially excuse someone from a requirement or obligation

zwolnić, wytłumaczyć

a societal system where success is determined by individual skill and ability rather than factors like wealth or social status


a person who searches for invaluable substance, such as gold, on or under the ground

poszukiwacz, górnik

a descriptive catalog or booklet providing information about the courses, programs, and other offerings available at a college or university

prospekt, broszura

a round hat, typically made of wool or other soft material, that is flat at the top of the head and has no brim


a member of an international secret society, known for its secret rituals, symbols, and fellowship

mason, członek tajnego stowarzyszenia

someone who has their own opinions, ideas, and beliefs rather than accepting other people's, especially about religion or politics

wolnomyśliciel, wolnomyślicielka

dying without having left a will behind

powództwo beztestamentowe, bez testamentu

a long, continuous tube in the body through which the food coming from the stomach moves and is passed

jelito, jelita

the formal ending of a business agreement, marriage, parliament, organization, etc.

rozwiązanie, zakończenie