Lista de Palavras Nível B1 - Família e Relacionamentos
Aqui você aprenderá algumas palavras em inglês sobre família e relacionamentos, como “cônjuge”, “noivo”, “noiva”, etc. preparadas para alunos B1.
any connection between people by kinship or marriage

relacionamento, parentesco

a close relationship between two or more people characterized by trust, loyalty, and support

amizade, companheirismo

a woman who is about to be married or has recently been married

a noiva, a prometida

a person who raises a child or children without a partner

pai/mãe solteiro(a), mãe/pai sozinho(a)

a chart, showing the relationship between all the members of a family over a long period of time

árvore genealógica, árvore da família

a group of people belonging to a particular age group or time period partaking in a certain activity

geração, grupo geracional

to be sexually unfaithful to one's partner by engaging in romantic or intimate activities with someone else

trair, enganar

to abandon one's wife, husband, or partner with no plan of returning

deixar, abandonar