
Relacionamentos Humanos - Ajuda e suporte

Domine provérbios ingleses sobre ajuda e apoio, como “uma boa ação merece outra” e “uma empresa em perigo reduz os problemas”.







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Human Relationships
a candle loses nothing by lighting another candle

used to imply that helping others or sharing knowledge and resources does not diminish our own abilities or resources, and can lead to mutual benefit and growth

Uma vela não perde nada ao acender outra vela

Uma vela não perde nada ao acender outra vela

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the sun loses nothing by shining into a puddle

used to suggest that sharing one's resources or knowledge with others does not diminish one's own value or worth

o sol não perde nada brilhando em uma poça

o sol não perde nada brilhando em uma poça

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(when) you help someone, you help everyone

used to say that one should never stop helping others or being kind to them as one's actions, no matter how small, can make the world a better place for others

quando você ajuda alguém, você ajuda todo mundo

quando você ajuda alguém, você ajuda todo mundo

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you scratch my back and I will scratch yours

used suggest that if one does a favor for someone, they will be more likely to reciprocate that favor in the future

você coça minhas costas e eu coçarei as suas

você coça minhas costas e eu coçarei as suas

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claw me, and I will claw thee

used to suggest that people may be inclined to respond to aggression or hostility with aggression of their own, leading to a cycle of violence or animosity

two in distress makes sorrow less

used to suggest that sharing one's troubles with someone who is going through a similar experience can help to ease the burden of sorrow or hardship

company in misery makes it light

used to suggest that sharing one's problems with others who are going through similar experiences can make those difficulties easier to bear and provide comfort and support

grief divided is made lighter

used to suggest that when people come together to share their grief, they can help one another through the difficult period and find a way to cope with the pain

a dor dividida se torna mais leve

a dor dividida se torna mais leve

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company in distress makes trouble less

used to imply that facing difficulties together with others can provide comfort and support, and can make the situation more bearable

a trouble shared is a trouble halved

used to imply that sharing one's problems or worries with others can help to reduce the emotional burden and make them easier to bear

um problema compartilhado é um problema dividido pela metade

um problema compartilhado é um problema dividido pela metade

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behind every great man (there) stands a woman

used to suggest that the success of a man is often due to the support, hard work, and sacrifices of a woman in his life

por trás de todo grande homem existe uma mulher

por trás de todo grande homem existe uma mulher

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the best helping hand is at the end of your sleeve

used to suggest that the most effective way to get things done is by relying on one's own skills, abilities, and resources, rather than depending on others for assistance

a melhor mão amiga está na ponta da manga

a melhor mão amiga está na ponta da manga

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bring not a bagpipe to a man in trouble

used to imply that one should not be insensitive or thoughtless by bringing up trivial or joyful matters to someone experiencing difficulty or suffering

não traga uma gaita de foles para um homem em apuros

não traga uma gaita de foles para um homem em apuros

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he gives twice who gives quickly

used to imply that by giving help or support immediately when it is needed, one can have a greater impact and make a bigger difference

ele dá duas vezes quem dá rápido

ele dá duas vezes quem dá rápido

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one good turn deserves another

used to imply that acts of kindness and generosity should be repaid with similar acts, emphasizing the importance of mutual benefit and showing gratitude for the kindness of others

um favor paga se com outro

um favor paga se com outro

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it is far better to give than to receive 

used to imply that the act of giving can bring greater joy, satisfaction, and personal growth than simply receiving something

give a man fish and you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime

used to emphasize that temporary aid may solve immediate needs, but teaching skills and knowledge empowers individuals to become self-sufficient and independent in the long term

dê peixe a um homem e você o alimentará por um dia, ensine um homem a pescar e você o alimentará por toda a vida

dê peixe a um homem e você o alimentará por um dia, ensine um homem a pescar e você o alimentará por toda a vida

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