Acadêmico IELTS (Banda 6-7) - Matemática e Gráficos
Aqui, você aprenderá algumas palavras em inglês relacionadas a matemática e gráficos que são necessárias para o exame acadêmico IELTS.
a mathematical function that represents the exponent to which a fixed number, called the base, must be raised to produce a given number


a statement or proposition that has been proven to be true based on previously established axioms, definitions, and other theorems within a particular mathematical or logical system


an ordered set of numbers that describes both magnitude and direction, commonly used to represent quantities like displacement, velocity, or force in physics and engineering


(mathematics) a quantity whose value changes according to another quantity's varying value


a mathematical constant representing the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter, approximately equal to 3.14159

pi, a constante pi

a mathematical representation of the sum of the terms of a sequence, often denoted by the symbol Σ (sigma), where the terms are added together in a specified order

série, soma de séries

a branch of mathematics that deals with the relationships between the angles and sides of triangles


the result obtained by dividing one quantity or number by another, expressed as the outcome of a division operation


the longest side of a right-angled triangle, opposite the right angle, and defined as the side opposite the right angle in a right-angled triangle


a set of real numbers that includes all the numbers between any two specified numbers within the set

intervalo, intervalos

a framework of spaced lines, horizontal and vertical, used as a reference for plotting points

grade, rede

a statistical measure that represents the middle value of a data set when the values are arranged in ascending or descending order


a visual representation of information or data, designed to convey complex information quickly and clearly

infográfico, representação visual de dados

(statistics) the way statistical data are arranged that shows the frequency in which the values of a variable are repeated

distribuição, repartição

(mathematics) the average value of a set of quantities calculated by adding them, and dividing them by the total number of the quantities

média, valor médio

a grouping or concentration of data points in a specific region, often used in statistics and data analysis to describe a set of values that are close to each other

aglomerado, grupo

a diagram consisting of bars with different heights that represent the amount of a variable


a portion of a circle, defined by an arc and the two radii that connect the arc's endpoints to the circle's center

setor, setor circular