Verbos de Sentidos e Emoções - Verbos para Visão
Aqui você aprenderá alguns verbos em inglês referentes à visão, como "ver", "observar" e "espiar".
to raise one's eyes from something one is looking at downwards

olhar para cima, levantar os olhos

to turn your head to see the surroundings

olhar ao redor, dar uma olhada ao redor

to carefully watch something in order gain knowledge or understanding about the subject

observar, vigiar

to see something, often with a feeling of amazement or admiration

contemplar, observar

to quickly read a document or other text without paying attention to details, only to find the information one needs

escanejar, dar uma olhada

to see something or someone for a short moment of time, often without getting a full or detailed view of it

vislumbrar, entrever

to see or notice something, often from a distance or with some difficulty

avistar, perceber

to see something or someone unexpectedly, often from a distance or after careful observation

avistar, vislumbrar

to take a quick and often secretive look at something or someone

espiar, dar uma olhadinha

to look closely or attentively at something, often in an effort to see or understand it better

espreitar, observar atentamente

to look at someone or something without moving the eyes or blinking, usually for a while, and often without showing any expression

encarar, fitá

to adjust or bring an image or view into clear and sharp detail, typically by adjusting the eyes, lens, or camera settings

focar, ajustar

to look at someone or something with a strong and disapproving gaze, often showing anger or displeasure

olhar com desprezo, encarar furiosamente

to stare at someone or something with strong and often inappropriate interest or desire

encarar, mirar lascivamente

to look at someone or something without blinking or moving the eyes

ficar olhando, contemplar

to look at or observe someone or something in a particular way, often with interest or suspicion

observar, vigiar

to look with eyes half-opened when hit by light, or as a sign of suspicion, etc.

espremer os olhos, cerrar os olhos