Lista de Palavras Nível B2 - O cinema
Aqui você aprenderá algumas palavras em inglês sobre cinema, como "tela", "filmar", "cinéfilo", etc. preparadas para alunos B2.
to change a book or play in a way that can be made into a movie, TV series, etc.

adaptar, modificar

a form of performing art that narrates a story using complex dance movements set to music but no words


a thing that achieves great widespread popularity or financial success, particularly a movie, book, or other product

sucesso estrondoso, filme de sucesso

the total income a movie makes by selling tickets

bilheteira, receita de bilheteira

to choose a performer to play a role in a movie, opera, play, etc.

escolher, distribuir

a showing of a movie to an audience, typically at a scheduled time

exibição, projeção

(of images or drawings in a movie) made to appear as if they are in motion

animado, animação

a few words or actions that hint another performer to say a line or do something

sinal, indício

a person who substitutes for an actor in a film, typically during scenes that involves nude or dangerous scenes

dublê, dobro

a dangerous and difficult action that shows great skill and is done to entertain people, typically as part of a movie

stunt, acrobacia

a technician who is in charge of the lights in a TV or motion picture set or theater stage

engenheiro de iluminação, técnico de iluminação

someone whose job is to take care of the business affairs of an actor, musician, sports player, etc.

gerente, agente

a person whose job is to write scripts for movies, TV series, etc.

roteirista, escritor de roteiros

the first public presentation of a play, musical, movie, or any other form of entertainment

abertura, estreia

the showing of a movie, play, exhibition, etc. to a selected audience before its public release

pré-estreia, mostra privada

a motion picture, TV program, etc. that is created for the public view

produção, peça

a session of practice in which performers prepare themselves for a public performance of a concert, play, etc.

ensaio, prática

to practice a play, piece of music, etc. before the public performance

ensaiar, praticar

the industry or profession of providing public entertainment, such as motion picture, theater, etc.

show business, indústria do entretenimento

a written description of the characters, events, or settings in a movie or play

cenário, roteiro

transcribed or translated words of the narrative or dialogues of a movie or TV show, appearing at the bottom of the screen to help deaf people or those who do not understand the language


an artificial sound created and used in a motion picture, play, video game, etc. to make it more realistic

efeito sonoro, som artificial