Vocabulário Essencial para o TOEFL - Literature
Aqui você aprenderá algumas palavras em inglês sobre literatura, como "prosa", "conto", "mito" etc., necessárias para o exame TOEFL.
related to literature, especially in terms of its style, structure, or content

literário, relativo à literatura

a short interesting story about a real event or person, often biographical


a brief part of a book, piece of music or other composition

um trecho, um fragmento

a true or imaginary story, particularly one that is full of exciting events

conto, história

the act of preparation and distribution of a book, magazine, piece of music, etc. to the public

publicação, edição

someone who writes plays for the TV, radio, or theater

dramaturgo, autor de teatro

characterized by beauty, elegance, or emotional depth similar to what is often found in poetry

poético, lírico

a story involving the ancient history of a people, usually about heroes and supernatural events that could be unreal


the events that are crucial to the formation and continuity of a story in a movie, play, novel, etc.

enredo, trama

an old story that is sometimes considered historical although it is not usually proved to be true

lenda, história

the story of the life of a person, written by the same person


a figure of speech that compares two unrelated things to highlight their similarities and convey a deeper meaning


the way of telling or explaining a story, particularly in a movie, novel, etc.

narração, relato

to write something for the first time that needs corrections for the final presentation

redigir, esboçar

an item, especially a book, that is bought by a large number of people

bestseller, livro mais vendido