
Cartea Solutions - Intermediar avansat - Unitatea 9 - 9E

Aici veți găsi vocabularul de la Unitatea 9 - 9E din manualul de curs Solutions Upper-Intermediate, cum ar fi „murdărie ieftină”, „face o avere”, „escroc”, etc.




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Solutions - Upper-Intermediate
to be rolling in it

to have a great deal of money

fiind bogat

fiind bogat

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having little or no financial resources



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something that costs a lot more than its real value

bunuri sau servicii scumpe

bunuri sau servicii scumpe

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dirt cheap

costing very little

extrem de ieftin

extrem de ieftin

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hard up

experiencing financial difficulties, often lacking money to cover basic expenses

greu sus

greu sus

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comfortably off

used to describe someone who can afford a comfortable lifestyle

confortabil off

confortabil off

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a considerable and swift gain of profit, particularly one made quickly and easily



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to make a killing

to earn a large amount of money, often in a short period of time and with little effort, usually through a successful business venture, investment, etc,

câștigând mulți bani

câștigând mulți bani

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to tighten one's belt

to lessen the amount of money or resources one uses compared to before, particularly due to having less available

trăind cumpătat

trăind cumpătat

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in the lap of luxury

in a very comfortable condition due to an abundance of wealth

foarte bogat

foarte bogat

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to make (both) ends meet

to make enough money to pay for one's basic needs

fiind capabil să-și permită nevoile esențiale

fiind capabil să-și permită nevoile esențiale

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to pay through the nose for sth

to pay an unreasonably high price for something

plătind o grămadă de bani pentru ceva

plătind o grămadă de bani pentru ceva

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to live (from) hand to mouth

to survive with only the bare minimum resources, often with no savings or financial security

fără suficienți bani pentru nevoile de bază

fără suficienți bani pentru nevoile de bază

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to make a fortune

to accumulate a large amount of wealth or money through one's own efforts, often through business ventures or investments

acumularea averii

acumularea averii

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in the red

in debt due to spending more than one's earnings

într-o criză bugetară

într-o criză bugetară

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