Abilități Lexicale pentru SAT 4 - Lecția 33
Fișe de studiu
shyness due to a lack of confidence in oneself
neliniște, rușine
the money that is demanded by the court to be paid to an ex-spouse or ex-partner
pensie alimentară, alimoniu
to see something or someone for a short moment of time, often without getting a full or detailed view of it
a zări, a desprinde
unconventional or strange in a way that is striking or shocking
extraordinar, ciudat
a stabilizer for a canoe; spars attach to a shaped log or float parallel to the hull
stabilizator, flotant
the cultural and intellectual conditions of the contemporary or recent era
a relatively small degree of a good and desirable thing
o mică măsură, un minim
to strongly and angrily criticize or complain about something
a critica aspru, a se plânge
a type of teasing and joking that is friendly and good-natured
railarie, batjocură