Bogăție și Succes - Succes & Victorie
Descoperiți cum proverbe englezești precum „o pasăre nu a zburat niciodată pe o aripă” și „sfârșitul unei melodii nu este scopul ei” descriu succesul și victoria în limba engleză.
Fișe de studiu
used to emphasize the importance of the process of achieving one's goals, and suggests that the journey itself can be fulfilling and rewarding
used to imply that a success can create a positive cycle where more success is likely to follow, as the initial success can build momentum and inspire further success
nimic nu reușește ca succesul
used to imply that successful outcomes or accomplishments are rarely criticized or questioned
used to imply the best or most talented individuals or ideas will eventually become successful or recognized, regardless of any obstacles or competition they may face
crema se ridica mereu la varf
used to emphasize that collaboration and balance are key to achieving success
o pasăre nu a zburat niciodată pe o aripă
used to emphasize that individuals or things with great potential require challenging environments or situations to fully realize their capabilities
o corabie mare întreabă ape adânci
used to imply that the person who ultimately succeeds or triumphs in a situation will experience the greatest satisfaction, especially if they have faced obstacles or criticism from others
used to emphasize the importance of enjoying and appreciating the journey towards a goal or achievement, rather than solely focusing on reaching the end or destination
sfârșitul unei melodii nu este scopul ei
used to imply that it is preferable to be admired for one's success and accomplishments, even if it means being the object of envy, rather than being pitied for one's misfortunes or failures
mai bine să fii invidiat decât să fii milă