500 Vanligaste Engelska Adverb - Topp 176 - 200 adverb
Här får du del 8 av listan över de vanligaste adverben på engelska som "apart", "closely" och "barely".
in a way that results in the desired outcome
effektivt, på ett effektivt sätt
at the starting point of a process or situation
inledningsvis, till en början
used when an event or performance is happening at the present moment or being broadcast in real-time
live, i realtid
used to explain the main reason or starting point of a situation
för det första, i första hand
at the same times or with the same amount of time between each event
regelbundet, stadigt
from one side to the other, indicating movement from the beginning to the end
genom, via
in the time following a specific action, moment, or event
efteråt, sedan
in a manner that is important or large enough to be noticed or effective
betydligt, i hög grad
in a manner that is capable of harming or injuring a person or destroying or damaging a thing