Hus och Trädgård - Housekeeping
Här kommer du att lära dig några engelska ord relaterade till hushållning som "städa", "chore" och "yardwork".
the action or process of making something, especially inside a house, etc. clean
![städning, rengöring](
städning, rengöring
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regular work done in a house, especially cleaning, washing, etc.
![husarbete, hemmaarbete](
husarbete, hemmaarbete
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the act of thoroughly cleaning a room or house, especially in the beginning of spring and including parts one does not usually clean
![vårstädning, vårputsning](
vårstädning, vårputsning
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the process of cleaning and sanitizing dishes, utensils, and cookware using water, detergent, and sometimes a dishwasher machine
![diskning, disk](
diskning, disk
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the act of purchasing food and other household items from a grocery store or supermarket to meet one's household needs
![matinköp, livsmedelsinköp](
matinköp, livsmedelsinköp
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the physical labor of maintaining and beautifying an outdoor space, including tasks like mowing, pruning, weeding, planting, and general landscaping
![trädgårdsarbete, underhåll av trädgård](
trädgårdsarbete, underhåll av trädgård
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a person who is employed to perform household tasks within a residence, such as cleaning, cooking, and other domestic duties
![husanställd, inhemsk arbetare](
husanställd, inhemsk arbetare
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the state or quality of being focused on home life, family, and the activities associated with maintaining a household
![huslighet, familjeliv](
huslighet, familjeliv
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a single miscellaneous task or chore, typically small in scale and unrelated to one's primary occupation or job
![bisyssla, extraarbete](
bisyssla, extraarbete
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the process of fixing or addressing damages, defects, and malfunctions in a residential property to restore its functionality and safety
![hemreparation, underhåll av bostäder](
hemreparation, underhåll av bostäder
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to use a soft cloth or tool to clean and remove particles from the surface of objects, like furniture
![damma, dusta](
damma, dusta
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to clean a surface by wiping it with a handle attached to a sponge or cloth at its end
![moppa, städa](
moppa, städa
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to rub the surface of something, often using a brush or a piece of cloth, to make it bright, smooth, and shiny
![polera, putsar](
polera, putsar
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to clean a surface by using a machine that sucks up dirt, dust, etc.
![dammsuga, städa med dammsugare](
dammsuga, städa med dammsugare
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to use a heated appliance to straighten and smooth wrinkles and creases from fabric
![stryka, stryka med strykjärn](
stryka, stryka med strykjärn
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to allow wet clothes to dry by hanging them up without wringing them out
![torka i luften, hänga för att torka](
torka i luften, hänga för att torka
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