
Beteende, Attityd och Tillvägagångssätt - Strategi & Taktik

Upptäck hur engelska ordspråk som "övertalning är bättre än våld" och "det krävs en tjuv för att fånga en tjuv" skildrar strategier och taktik på engelska.







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Behavior, Attitude, & ApproachViselkedés, Attitűd és Megközelítés
persuasion is better than force

used to imply that it is more effective and beneficial to convince or influence someone to do something through reasoning and negotiation, rather than through the use of threats or violence

övertalning är bättre än våld

övertalning är bättre än våld

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it takes a thief to catch a thief

used to suggest that a person with experience in a particular activity, even if it is illegal or unethical, may be the most effective at identifying and catching others who engage in that activity

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cross the stream where it is shallowest

used to suggest that instead of taking a difficult or dangerous route, it is better to look for the simplest or most efficient way to reach one's goal

korsa bäcken där den är som grundast

korsa bäcken där den är som grundast

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a clever hawk hides its claws

used to imply that it is important to be strategic and patient in pursuing one's goals, and to avoid showing all of one's strengths and weaknesses at once

en smart hök gömmer sina klor

en smart hök gömmer sina klor

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a fool shows his annoyance at once, but a prudent man overlooks an insult

used to suggest that it is unwise to react impulsively or emotionally to insults or provocations, and that it is better to respond calmly and thoughtfully

en dåre visar genast sin irritation, men en förståndig man förbiser en förolämpning

en dåre visar genast sin irritation, men en förståndig man förbiser en förolämpning

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the first blow is half the battle

used to imply that taking the initiative and acting decisively can provide a significant advantage in achieving one's goals

det första slaget är halva slaget

det första slaget är halva slaget

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if you cannot beat them, (you might as well) join them

used to imply that it may be more advantageous to align with a group or situation that cannot be defeated or overcome in order to gain some benefit or advantage

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nothing must be done hastily but killing of fleas

used to advise exercising patience and careful consideration in important matters, while recognizing that some minor tasks can be dealt with quickly

inget måste göras hastigt än att döda loppor

inget måste göras hastigt än att döda loppor

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old poacher makes the best gamekeeper

used to imply that someone who has experience breaking rules or doing things wrong can be more effective at enforcing those same rules, or teaching others how to do things right

gammal tjuvskytt gör den bästa jaktvakten

gammal tjuvskytt gör den bästa jaktvakten

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send the helve after the hatchet

used to suggest that it is important to be resourceful and proactive in solving problems, and to take action to address issues as they arise

skicka helven efter stridsyxan

skicka helven efter stridsyxan

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you cannot catch old birds with chaff

used to imply that experienced or wise individuals cannot be easily fooled or misled by things of little or no value

man kan inte fånga gamla fåglar med agnar

man kan inte fånga gamla fåglar med agnar

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it is good to make a bridge of gold to a flying enemy

used to advise one to help the enemy when they are trying to retreat, as it can make it more difficult for them to continue to fight against one

det är bra att göra en bro av guld till en flygande fiende

det är bra att göra en bro av guld till en flygande fiende

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a soft answer turns away wrath

used to imply a gentle and kind response to anger can help calm the situation and prevent it from escalating

ett mjukt svar vänder vreden bort

ett mjukt svar vänder vreden bort

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not cast a clout until May be out

used to suggest that it is wise to wait and avoid making significant decisions or taking action until the situation or circumstances have become clearer or more certain

inte kasta ett slag förrän kan vara ute

inte kasta ett slag förrän kan vara ute

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waste not, want not

used to emphasize that being mindful of resource usage and avoiding wastefulness can prevent future scarcity or need

avfall inte, vill inte

avfall inte, vill inte

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hope for the best, (and) prepare for the worst

used to suggest that one should remain optimistic while being realistic and taking practical steps to prepare for potential negative outcomes or obstacles

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the customer is always right

used to emphasize the importance of avoiding disputes or conflicts with customers and maintaining positive customer relations in business

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keep your friends close and your enemies closer

used to advise one to maintain a close relationship with enemies or competitors in order to stay informed about their actions and intentions

håll dina vänner nära och dina fiender närmare

håll dina vänner nära och dina fiender närmare

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say well or be still

used to suggest that sometimes it is better to stay silent rather than saying something that could cause harm or lead to unwanted consequences

säg väl eller var stilla

säg väl eller var stilla

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the second mouse gets the cheese

used to imply that there can be an advantage in being cautious and waiting for others to take risks first, as it may lead to less risk and more reward by learning from the mistakes of others

den andra musen får osten

den andra musen får osten

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