
Beteende, Attityd och Tillvägagångssätt - Taktlöshet & hänsynslöshet

Behärska engelska ordspråk om taktlöshet och hänsynslöshet, som "tungan är inte stål men den skär sig" och "en katt i handskar fångar inga möss".







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while two dogs are fighting for bone, a third one runs away with it

used to imply that while two people or groups are too busy competing or fighting with each other, a third person or group can take advantage of the situation and benefit from it

medan två hundar slåss om ben, springer en tredje iväg med det

medan två hundar slåss om ben, springer en tredje iväg med det

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burn not your house to fright away the mice

used to imply that it is unwise to use drastic or extreme measures to solve a small problem, as it may cause greater harm than good

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in vain the net is spread in the sight of the bird

used to suggest that efforts made in plain sight or without strategy are often futile and ineffective

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the mouse that has but one hole is quickly taken

used to imply that having only one option or plan can be risky and leave a person vulnerable to danger or failure, emphasizing the importance of being resourceful and adaptable

musen som bara har ett hål tas snabbt

musen som bara har ett hål tas snabbt

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if you run after two hares, you will catch neither

used to suggest that trying to do too many things at once can lead to a lack of focus and a decrease in overall effectiveness

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the tongue is but three inches long, yet (it) can kill a man six feet tall

used to highlight the power of words to cause harm or destruction, encouraging individuals to use them thoughtfully and with care for their impact on others

tungan är bara tre tum lång, men den kan döda en man sex fot lång

tungan är bara tre tum lång, men den kan döda en man sex fot lång

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the tongue is not (made of) steel, yet it cuts

used to suggest that words have the power to hurt or harm others, and that care should be taken to use them wisely and with consideration for their impact

tungan är inte gjord av stål, ändå skär den

tungan är inte gjord av stål, ändå skär den

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a joke never gains an enemy, but often loses a friend

used to warn that while humor may not create enemies, it can often offend or hurt friends and cause them to distance themselves

ett skämt får aldrig en fiende, men förlorar ofta en vän

ett skämt får aldrig en fiende, men förlorar ofta en vän

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gentility without ability is worse than plain beggary

used to emphasize the importance of valuing competence over social status, as having a high status without the necessary skills can lead to arrogance, incompetence, and ultimately failure

gentilitet utan förmåga är värre än vanlig tiggare

gentilitet utan förmåga är värre än vanlig tiggare

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it is an ill bird that fouls its own nest

used to advise against harming one's own environment, community, or relationships, as it will ultimately lead to negative consequences for oneself.

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the pitcher will go to the well once too often

used to warn against overusing a particular approach or strategy, as doing so can lead to diminishing returns or even failure

kannan kommer att gå till brunnen en gång för ofta

kannan kommer att gå till brunnen en gång för ofta

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a cat in gloves catches no mice

used to imply that being overly cautious or passive prevents one from taking action and achieving desired results

en katt i handskar fångar inga möss

en katt i handskar fångar inga möss

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