Dygd & Synd - Corruption
Behärska engelska ordspråk om korruption, som "en muta kommer in utan att knacka" och "pengar gör männen som gör det".
used to emphasize the negative impacts of wealth on an individual's character and values, as it can lead to greed, selfishness, and a loss of moral values
used to suggest that excessive focus on religious institutions or practices can lead to a loss of true spiritual connection or faith
used to imply that financial distress or poverty can lead to desperation and immoral behavior
used to suggest that financial success and wealth often come with a price, and that one may need to engage in unpleasant or unethical activities to achieve it
used to emphasize that any wealth or success obtained through dishonest or unethical means is unlikely to last or bring true happiness
used to imply that there is often money to be made in unpleasant or undesirable tasks or situations
used to imply that bribery can allow someone to bypass rules, regulations, and laws that are meant to ensure fairness and accountability
used to imply that wealth and success can sometimes mask a person's immoral or criminal behavior, making them appear respectable or honorable
used to imply that people can be influenced by money or incentives, and may compromise their ethics or integrity if the price is high enough