Läskunnighet för ACT-Prov - Negativa känslor
Här kommer du att lära dig några engelska ord relaterade till negativa känslor, såsom "klanger", "klagande", "kvalm", etc. som hjälper dig att klara dina ACTs.
a feeling of distress, shyness, or guilt as a result of an uncomfortable situation

generad, skam

great excitement, anger, or fear that makes someone unable to control their emotions, and as a result, they start laughing, crying, etc.


a feeling of irritation or discomfort caused by something that is bothersome, unpleasant, or disruptive

irritation, besvär

a strong, persistent desire for someone or something, often accompanied by a sense of sadness

längtan, längtan

hatred and anger that could lead to violent or threatening behavior

aggression, fientlighet

an unexpected and quick feeling of a particular emotion, often a negative one

ett stygn, en snabb känsla

causing one to feel serious or thoughtful, often by showing the seriousness of a situation

allvarsam, tankeväckande

expressing longing or yearning tinged with sadness or melancholy, often for something unattainable or lost

melankolisk, nostalgisk

greatly frightened and worried about something, in a way that is uncontrollable

frenetisk, desperat

experiencing or creating a sense of sadness or hopelessness in a situation or atmosphere

dyster, mörk

feeling so shocked or surprised that one is incapable of acting in a normal way

chockad, förbluffad

feeling irritated and upset because of being unable to achieve something or change an unwanted situation

frustrerad, irriterad

feeling nervous or worried, especially about something unpleasant that might happen soon

olustig, bekymrad

feeling unhappy or resentful because someone has something one wants

avundsjuk, jaloux

feeling fearful or worried, often in response to a sudden or unexpected event

aldrig, orolig

feeling so hopeless that one is willing to take any action, regardless of the possible consequences

desperat, desperata

unwilling to do something due to a lack of will, motivation, or consent

motvillig, ovillig

to cause someone to feel extremely embarrassed or ashamed, often by publicly exposing their weaknesses or shortcomings

förnedra, skamma

to make someone feel nervous or uncomfortable, often by surprising or overwhelming them

förvirra, förbrylla

to suddenly move back in response to something surprising, frightening, or unpleasant

backa, avlägsna sig

to deeply irritate someone, especially when they can do nothing about it or solve the problem

exasperera, irritera

to annoy someone by intentionally or persistently bothering them with small, annoying actions or behaviors

bekymra, irritera

to confuse someone, making it difficult for them to understand or think clearly

förvirra, konfus

to overwhelm or restrict someone so much that they feel suffocated or unable to act freely

kväva, överväldiga