Kitap English File - Orta Altı - Ders 4A
Burada İngilizce Dosya Orta Öncesi ders kitabındaki Ders 4A'daki "ev işi", "ütüleme", "boşaltma" vb. kelimeleri bulacaksınız.
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Flash kartlar
to clean a surface by using a machine that sucks up dirt, dust, etc.

elektrik süpürgesiyle temizlemek
to clean a surface by using a machine that sucks up dirt, dust, and debris

elektrikli süpürge ile temizlemek
the activity of washing the dishes, glasses, etc. particularly after a meal

bulaşık yıkama
to use a soft cloth or tool to clean and remove particles from the surface of objects, like furniture

toz almak
pieces of equipment such as tables, desks, beds, etc. that we put in a house or office so that it becomes suitable for living or working in

to carefully place something or someone down in a horizontal position

koymak, sermek, yerleştirmek
furniture with a usually flat surface on top of one or multiple legs that we can sit at or put things on

an electric machine that is used to clean dishes, spoons, cups, etc.

bulaşık makinesi
to place something where it should be after using it

bir kenara bırakmak, bir tarafa koymak
a space in a building with walls, a floor, and a ceiling where people do different activities

a physical activity or competitive game with specific rules that people do for fun or as a profession
