
B2 Düzeyi Kelime Listesi - Yaygın Fiiller

Burada B2 öğrencileri için hazırlanmış "back down", "inanmak", "getirmek" vb. gibi bazı İngilizce deyimsel fiilleri öğreneceksiniz.


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Öğrenmeye başla
CEFR B2 Vocabulary
to ask for

to state that one wants to see or speak to someone specific

talep etmek

talep etmek

to back down

to admit defeat and retreat from a position or claim when met with resistance or pressure

sözünden dönmek

sözünden dönmek

to believe in

to firmly trust in the goodness or value of something

itikat etmek

itikat etmek

to bring on

to cause something to happen, especially something undesirable or unpleasant

sebep olmak

sebep olmak

to bring up

to mention a particular subject

gündeme getirmek

gündeme getirmek

to call off

to cancel what has been planned

iptal etmek

iptal etmek

to catch up

to go faster and reach someone or something that is ahead

ulaşmak, yetişmek

ulaşmak, yetişmek

to cheer up

to feel happy and satisfied



to clean up

to make oneself neat or clean



to come across

to discover, meet, or find someone or something by accident

denk gelmek

denk gelmek

to come up

to be brought up or mentioned in a conversation or discussion

sözü edilmek

sözü edilmek

to drop by

to visit a place or someone briefly, often without a prior arrangement



to eat out

to eat in a restaurant, etc. rather than at one's home

dışarıda yemek

dışarıda yemek

to end up

to eventually reach or find oneself in a particular place, situation, or condition, often unexpectedly or as a result of circumstances



to fall apart

to fall or break into pieces as a result of being in an extremely bad condition

parçalara ayrılmak

parçalara ayrılmak

to figure out

to find the answer to a question or problem

halletmek, anlamak

halletmek, anlamak

to fill in

to temporarily do a person's job while they are away or are unable to do it themselves

yerine geçmek

yerine geçmek

to get along

to have a friendly or good relationship with someone or something

birbiriyle geçinmek

birbiriyle geçinmek

to give away

to give something as a gift or donation to someone

hediye olarak vermek

hediye olarak vermek

to go over

to thoroughly review, examine, or check something

gözden geçirmek

gözden geçirmek

to hang on

to ask someone to wait briefly or pause for a moment

biraz beklemek

biraz beklemek

to hang out

to spend much time in a specific place or with someone particular



to leave out

to intentionally exclude someone or something

dahil etmemek, hariç tutmak

dahil etmemek, hariç tutmak

to make out

to understand something, often with effort

fark etmek

fark etmek

to pass away

to no longer be alive

rahmetli olmak

rahmetli olmak

to put off

to postpone an appointment or arrangement



to rule out

to eliminate an option or idea from consideration due to it appearing impossible to realize

imkan vermemek, izin vermemek

imkan vermemek, izin vermemek

to see to

to attend to a specific task or responsibility

ilgilenmek, gereğini yapmak

ilgilenmek, gereğini yapmak

to show up

to arrive at an event or appointment where one is expected

ortaya çıkmak, görünmek

ortaya çıkmak, görünmek

to sort out

to put or organize things in a tidy or systematic way



to throw away

to get rid of what is not needed or wanted anymore

atmak (istenilmeyen bir şeyi)

atmak (istenilmeyen bir şeyi)

to turn down

to decline an invitation, request, or offer



to put in

to interrupt someone to say something

lafı kesmek, sözü kesmek

lafı kesmek, sözü kesmek

to wipe out

to entirely remove something



to pile up

to stack things on top of each other

üst üste yığmak, biriktirmek

üst üste yığmak, biriktirmek

Google Translate
to put out

to make something stop burning or shining



to break away

to escape from a person who is holding one

ansızın kaçmak

ansızın kaçmak

to root for

to support someone or a team or hope that they will succeed

tezahürat yaparak desteklemek

tezahürat yaparak desteklemek

to come away

to leave somewhere having a certain impression or feeling

belli bir duyguya sahip bir yerden ayrılmak

belli bir duyguya sahip bir yerden ayrılmak

to fly into

to suddenly and intensely enter a particular emotional or mental state

-e kapılmak

-e kapılmak

to stash away

to secretly store something in a place in order to use it later



to capitalize on

to use a particular situation, resources, or opportunity effectively to gain some benefit

çıkar sağlamak, çıkarına kullanmak

çıkar sağlamak, çıkarına kullanmak

to pick up

to retrieve an item from a location where it was left

almak (bir yere gelip/gidip birini)

almak (bir yere gelip/gidip birini)

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