Seznam Slovíček Úrovně B2 - Frázová slovesa
Zde se naučíte některá anglická frázová slovesa jako „back down“, „believ in“, „bring on“ atd. připravená pro studenty B2.
to state that one wants to see or speak to someone specific
požádat o, zeptat se na
to admit defeat and retreat from a position or claim when met with resistance or pressure
ustoupit, vzdát se
to firmly trust in the goodness or value of something
věřit v, mít víru v
to cause something to happen, especially something undesirable or unpleasant
způsobit, přinést
to go faster and reach someone or something that is ahead
dohánět, připojit se
to discover, meet, or find someone or something by accident
narazit na, objevit náhodou
to be brought up or mentioned in a conversation or discussion
být zmíněn, objevit se
to visit a place or someone briefly, often without a prior arrangement
zastavit se, navštívit
to eat in a restaurant, etc. rather than at one's home
jíst venku, dát si jídlo v restauraci
to eventually reach or find oneself in a particular place, situation, or condition, often unexpectedly or as a result of circumstances
skončit, dostat se
to fall or break into pieces as a result of being in an extremely bad condition
rozpadnout se, rozpadat se
to find the answer to a question or problem
vymyslet, pochopit
to temporarily do a person's job while they are away or are unable to do it themselves
nahradit, vyplnit
to have a friendly or good relationship with someone or something
vycházet, rozumět si
to give something as a gift or donation to someone
darovat, rozdávat
to thoroughly review, examine, or check something
přezkoumat, zkontrolovat
to ask someone to wait briefly or pause for a moment
počkej chvíli, zdrž se
to spend much time in a specific place or with someone particular
trávit čas, posedět
to intentionally exclude someone or something
vynechat, opomíjet
to eliminate an option or idea from consideration due to it appearing impossible to realize
vyloučit, vyřadit
to attend to a specific task or responsibility
postarat se o, věnovat se
to arrive at an event or appointment where one is expected
přijít, ukázat se
to put or organize things in a tidy or systematic way
uspořádat, seřadit
to get rid of what is not needed or wanted anymore
vyhodit, zbavit se
to decline an invitation, request, or offer
odmítnout, zamítnout
to interrupt someone to say something
přerušit, vstoupit do hovoru
to escape from a person who is holding one
osvobodit se, utéci
to support someone or a team or hope that they will succeed
podporovat, fandit
to leave somewhere having a certain impression or feeling
odejít s, odcházet s
to suddenly and intensely enter a particular emotional or mental state
vpadnout do, proniknout do
to secretly store something in a place in order to use it later
skládat, ukrývat
to use a particular situation, resources, or opportunity effectively to gain some benefit
využít, kapitalizovat
to retrieve an item from a location where it was left
vyzvednout, sebrat