Необхідний Словниковий Запас для GRE - важкі часи
Тут ви дізнаєтесь деякі англійські слова про невдачу, такі як «abdicate», «fiasco», «languish» тощо, які потрібні для іспиту GRE.
to not accept or complete an obligation or duty
випустити, відмовитися від
to have a result contrary to what one desired or intended
зіграти проти, обернутися проти
causing a negative consequence or cost to someone or something in order to benefit another
за рахунок, на шкоду
an existing weakness or fault in someone or something
дефіцит, недолік
to intentionally cause something or someone to fail or experience a negative outcome by creating specific conditions
засуджувати, призначати на провал
to remain the same and fail to make any progress
залишатися незмінним, не прогресувати
to experience confusion, indecision, or difficulty in finding a solution
плутати, труднощі
unable to result in success or anything useful
безрезультатний, марний
a situation that is disturbing because it causes difficulty or problems
незручність, турбота
marked by bringing bad fortune or ending in failure
невдалий, злощасний
(of a system, organization, etc.) to experience a sudden or dramatic failure
імплодувати, зруйнуватися
putting someone or something at a disadvantage
невдалий, неблагополучний
difficulties caused by something that makes one irritated or uncomfortable
незручність, клопіт
a thing or person that is impossible to improve or succeed
безнадійна справа, втрачена причина
a person who lacks influence or importance in a particular setting or community
незначна особа, непомітна особа
to go beyond limits of one's power or authority, often resulting in negative consequences or failure
переступити межі, виходити за межі
deserving pity due to perceived weakness or sadness
жалюгідний, плачевний
to continually cause someone or something difficulty, pain, or worry
мучити, гнобити
unstable or insecure, often causing anxiety
неспокійний, незахищений
to do something in order to cause something such as an opportunity or plan to fail
зірвати, провалити
a problem that gets in the way of a process or makes it worse
невдача, перешкода
to not succeed in doing or accomplishing something
зазнати невдачі, не досягти успіху
(of a scheme, system, organization, etc.) to begin to fail or fall apart
руйнуватися, розпадатися
to speak to someone in a way that suggests they are inferior or less intelligent than the speaker
говорити зневажливо, знецінювати
an individual, team, etc. who is regarded as weaker compared to others and has little chance of success as a result
невдаха, антуражник
(of a relationship, negotiation, etc.) to fail to function properly
зриватися, падати
(of a joke, remark, event, etc.) to be completely unsuccessful in amusing people or having the desired effect
in a way that results in an absolute failure or disaster
фатально, фатально таким чином
to bring about the destruction of a system, organization, etc.
імплозія, колапсувати