Základní Slovní Zásoba pro GRE - těžké časy
Zde se dozvíte pár anglických slovíček o neúspěchu, jako je „abdicate“, „fiasko“, „languish“ atd., která jsou potřeba ke zkoušce GRE.
to have a result contrary to what one desired or intended

mít opačný účinek, způsobit nechtěný výsledek

causing a negative consequence or cost to someone or something in order to benefit another

na úkor, na náklady

to intentionally cause something or someone to fail or experience a negative outcome by creating specific conditions

odsoudit, poslat k neúspěchu

to experience confusion, indecision, or difficulty in finding a solution

plácat se, zmateně přemýšlet

a situation that is disturbing because it causes difficulty or problems

potíž, obtíž

(of a system, organization, etc.) to experience a sudden or dramatic failure

implodovat, kolabovat

difficulties caused by something that makes one irritated or uncomfortable

nepříjemnost, obtíž

a thing or person that is impossible to improve or succeed

beznadějný případ, ztracená věc

a person who lacks influence or importance in a particular setting or community

bezcennost, nikoho

to go beyond limits of one's power or authority, often resulting in negative consequences or failure

překročit, přehnat

to continually cause someone or something difficulty, pain, or worry

trápit, znervózňovat

to do something in order to cause something such as an opportunity or plan to fail

zmařit, zničit

a problem that gets in the way of a process or makes it worse

neúspěch, problém

(of a scheme, system, organization, etc.) to begin to fail or fall apart

rozpadat se, rozplétat se

to speak to someone in a way that suggests they are inferior or less intelligent than the speaker

mluvit shovívavě, podceňovat

an individual, team, etc. who is regarded as weaker compared to others and has little chance of success as a result

outsider, slabší

(of a relationship, negotiation, etc.) to fail to function properly

neuspět, zhroucení

(of a joke, remark, event, etc.) to be completely unsuccessful in amusing people or having the desired effect