Необхідний Словниковий Запас для Іспиту SAT - Переносні значення
Тут ви дізнаєтеся переносне значення деяких англійських слів, таких як «дрот», «боєприпаси», «тінь» тощо, які вам знадобляться, щоб складати SAT.
to set up or program someone or something in a way that naturally inclines them toward a particular behavior, response, or way of thinking

програмувати, налаштовувати

to shield someone or something from external factors, pressures, or influences

ізолювати, захистити

to let out or express a strong emotion or feeling, such as anger, frustration, or excitement

розв'язати, випустити

to follow someone closely in order to observe and learn from them, often by copying their actions, behavior, or techniques

слідкувати, підглядати

to deliberately and quickly move past or jump over certain sections or portions of media, such as audio tracks, video segments, or chapters

пропустити, перескочити

(of emotions, tensions, or conflicts) to be present but not openly expressed

кипіти, підніматися

to cause the loss of something, often valuable, or a negative outcome resulting from a particular action or decision

коштувати, призводити до

to trigger or ignite a reaction, response, or action, often by provoking or inspiring someone or something to action

сприяти, запалити

to give away or yield something, usually under pressure or voluntarily

здаватися, передавати

to refer to a source of knowledge in order to ascertain something

консультуватися, звертатися до

to create a representation of something, usually in the form of a drawing, painting, or other visual medium

зображати, передавати

to have firsthand knowledge of a development or event through observation or personal experience

свідчити, стати свідком

to structure or organize ideas, plans, or systems within a framework

структурував, оформив

to be the influencing factor that causes something to make progress

рушити, стимулювати

to incorporate or infuse something with a particular quality, element, or characteristic

переплітати, включати

to fully understand or recognize the qualities, significance, or worth of something

цінувати, усвідомлювати

to possess or have a particular feature or quality that is a source of pride

пишатися, мати

to recognize and honor members of armed forces for their service, bravery, or achievements

вручати нагороду, прикрашати

to consider something and possibly make adjustments based on it

врахувати, пристосувати

to be related by blood, typically referring to the lineage or family connection

походити, спадкувати

to manage to express a mood, quality, scene, etc. accurately in a piece of art

зафіксувати, відобразити

to own, manage, or organize something such as a business, campaign, a group of animals, etc.

управляти, вести

an undesirable condition or difficulty that requires attention or resolution

недуга, вада

a factor, force, or influence that initiates or causes a particular action, process, or change

нае́дник, фактор

a transitional phase that marks the end of one era and the beginning of another

поворот, перехід

a set of facts or information that can be used to win an argument against someone or to criticize them

аргументи, докази

the process of refining and extracting the essential elements from a complex body of information or ideas

дистиляція, екстракція

a task or activity that is easy and straightforward to complete

легкА річ, просте завдання

the way in which something is perceived or received by others, often referring to the response or reaction to an idea, message, or product

сприйняття, прийом

a thoughtful and deliberate consideration, often calm and extended

рефлексія, міркування

a round, thin piece of plastic with a hole in the middle, on which music, etc. is recorded

диск, вінілова платівка

(of qualities or behaviors) likely to influence others rapidly

заразний, інфекційний

describing conditions or actions that are unpleasantly rough or severe

жорсткий, суворий

deserving deep respect and admiration due to its spiritual, religious, or significant importance

священний, священна