
سی ون سطح کی الفاظ کی فہرست - اہم فعل

یہاں آپ انگریزی کے کچھ اہم فعل سیکھیں گے، جیسے کہ C1 سیکھنے والوں کے لیے تیار کردہ "adhere"، "burst"، "supplement" وغیرہ۔




فلیش کارڈز





سیکھنا شروع کریں
CEFR C1 Vocabulary
to adhere

to firmly stick to something



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to allege

to say something is the case without providing proof for it

الزام لگانا

الزام لگانا

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to attribute

to think or say that something is caused by a certain thing



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to await

to wait for something or someone

انتظار کرنا

انتظار کرنا

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to burst

to suddenly and violently break open or apart, particularly as a result of internal pressure



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to cease

to bring an action, activity, or process to an end

ترک کر دینا

ترک کر دینا

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to characterize

to describe the qualities of someone or something in a certain manner



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to compute

to calculate or determine a value using mathematical operations



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to conceive

to produce a plan, idea, etc. in one's mind

حمل ٹهہرنا

حمل ٹهہرنا

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to counter

to do something to avoid or decrease the harmful or unpleasant effects of something

کسی بدقسمتی سے روکنا

کسی بدقسمتی سے روکنا

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to designate

to choose someone for a certain position or task

تخصیص کرنا

تخصیص کرنا

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to differentiate

to recognize the difference present between two people or things



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to discard

to get rid of something that is no longer needed

ضائع کرنا

ضائع کرنا

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to oversee

to observe someone or an activity in order to ensure that everything is done properly

دیکه بهال کرنا

دیکه بهال کرنا

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to denounce

to publicly express one's disapproval of something or someone

ملمت کرنا

ملمت کرنا

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to dissolve

to make a solid become one with a liquid



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to elevate

to raise someone or something to a higher rank or better position

کسی کو پروموشن دینا

کسی کو پروموشن دینا

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to enquire

to officially investigate



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to diminish

to decrease in degree, size, etc.

to intensify

to become more in degree or strength

شدید ہو رہا ہے

شدید ہو رہا ہے

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to escalate

to become much worse or more intense

بدتر ہو رہی

بدتر ہو رہی

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to exaggerate

to describe something better, larger, worse, etc. than it truly is

مبالغه کرنا

مبالغه کرنا

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to supplement

to improve something by adding something to it



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to formulate

to thoughtfully prepare or create something, paying close attention to its details

وضع کرنا

وضع کرنا

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to heighten

to become more severe

زیادہ شدید ہو رہا ہے

زیادہ شدید ہو رہا ہے

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to disrupt

to stop the normal flow of something, often temporarily

مخل هونا

مخل هونا

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to inhibit

to prevent or limit an action or process



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to license

to give permission for the use, practice, or production of something through a formal agreement

سرکاری اجازت دینا

سرکاری اجازت دینا

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to devastate

to destroy something completely

برباد کرنا

برباد کرنا

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to oblige

to make someone do something because it is required by law, duty, etc.



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to obsess

to think about something or someone all the time, in a way that makes one unable to think about other things

کسی چیز کے بارے میں مسلسل سوچنا

کسی چیز کے بارے میں مسلسل سوچنا

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to persist

to keep doing something despite challenges or difficulties

اصرار کرنا

اصرار کرنا

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to recount

to describe an event, experience, etc to someone in a detailed manner

بیان کرنا (ایک واقعہ، تجربہ، وغیرہ)

بیان کرنا (ایک واقعہ، تجربہ، وغیرہ)

Google Translate
to render

to provide someone with something, such as help or services, especially as required or expected

دینا (مدد، خدمات وغیرہ)

دینا (مدد، خدمات وغیرہ)

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to spare

to give someone something that one has enough of

ایسی چیز دینا جس کی ضرورت نہیں ہے۔

ایسی چیز دینا جس کی ضرورت نہیں ہے۔

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to stabilize

to make something steady and prevent it from fluctuating

مضبوط کرنا

مضبوط کرنا

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to supervise

to be in charge of someone or an activity and watch them to make sure everything is done properly

دیکه بهال کرنا

دیکه بهال کرنا

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to sustain

to support an opinion, argument, theory, etc. or to prove it's credibility

کسی چیز کی حمایت کرنا

کسی چیز کی حمایت کرنا

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to terminate

to stop or end something completely

آخر کرنا

آخر کرنا

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to warrant

to give good reasons to justify a particular action

ایک کارروائی کا جواز پیش کرنا

ایک کارروائی کا جواز پیش کرنا

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لینگیک ایپ ڈاؤن لوڈ کریں