Listă de Cuvinte Nivel C1 - Verbe vitale
Aici veți învăța câteva verbe englezești vitale, cum ar fi „aderă”, „burst”, „supliment”, etc., pregătite pentru cursanții C1.
Fișe de studiu
to think or say that something is caused by a certain thing
to suddenly and violently break open or apart, particularly as a result of internal pressure
to describe the qualities of someone or something in a certain manner
a caracteriza
to calculate or determine a value using mathematical operations
a calcula
to do something to avoid or decrease the harmful or unpleasant effects of something
a contracara
to recognize the difference present between two people or things
a diferenția
to observe someone or an activity in order to ensure that everything is done properly
a supraveghea
to publicly express one's disapproval of something or someone
a denunța
to raise someone or something to a higher rank or better position
to describe something better, larger, worse, etc. than it truly is
to thoughtfully prepare or create something, paying close attention to its details
to give permission for the use, practice, or production of something through a formal agreement
to make someone do something because it is required by law, duty, etc.
a obliga
to think about something or someone all the time, in a way that makes one unable to think about other things
to continue a course of action with determination, even when faced with challenges or discouragement
a persista
to describe an event, experience, etc to someone in a detailed manner
a relata
to provide someone with something, such as help or services, especially as required or expected
a oferi
to be in charge of someone or an activity and watch them to make sure everything is done properly
a supraveghea
to support an opinion, argument, theory, etc. or to prove it's credibility