
Sách Solutions - Trung cấp - Đơn vị 7 - 7E

Tại đây, bạn sẽ tìm thấy các từ vựng từ Unit 7 - 7E trong giáo trình Solutions Middle, chẳng hạn như "blues", "folk", "tempo", v.v.


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Solutions - Intermediate
musical genre

a category or style of music characterized by its unique sound, instrumentation, and musical elements

thể loại nhạc

thể loại nhạc

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a type of folk music with strong rhythms and a melancholic atmosphere, first developed by the African American community in the Southern US

màu xanh

màu xanh

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music that is considered to be part of a long-established and traditional style or genre

cổ điển

cổ điển

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country and western

a genre of music that blends country and folk influences, often featuring storytelling lyrics and a distinct sound

đất nước và phương Tây

đất nước và phương Tây

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music that originates from and reflects the traditional culture of a particular region or community, often featuring acoustic instruments and storytelling lyrics

nhạc dân gian

nhạc dân gian

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heavy metal

loud, energetic genre of rock music characterized by powerful guitar melodies, strong drum beats, and intense vocals

nhạc kim loại nặng

nhạc kim loại nặng

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popular music featuring rap that is set to electronic music, first developed among black and Hispanic communities in the US



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a genre of African-American music with a rhythmic speech

nhạc rap

nhạc rap

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a music genre that emphasizes improvisation, complex rhythms, and extended chords, originated in the United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries

câu chuyện đãi bôi

câu chuyện đãi bôi

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a fast-paced style of electronic dance music with a few or no words

kỹ thuật

kỹ thuật

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a specific part or side of something that is worth considering

cảnh trí

cảnh trí

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a series of sounds made by instruments or voices, arranged in a way that is pleasant to listen to

âm nhạc

âm nhạc

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a piece of music's or a poem's main rhythm

nhịp điệu âm nhạc

nhịp điệu âm nhạc

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a group of people assembled to sing together, typically in a musical or theatrical production

bài hát đồng thanh

bài hát đồng thanh

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notes of music played or sung in a combination that produces a pleasing effect

du dương

du dương

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(plural) a song's words or text

lời nhạc

lời nhạc

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the arrangement or succession of single musical notes in a tune or piece of music

âm thanh êm ái

âm thanh êm ái

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a number of musical notes that form a piece of music when played or sung in a particular order

âm điệu

âm điệu

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a strong repeated pattern of musical notes or sounds

âm tiết

âm tiết

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the rate or pace at which something or someone moves

tốc độ

tốc độ

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the speed that a piece of music is or should be played at

phách của âm nhạc

phách của âm nhạc

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a set of words that usually have a rhythmic pattern



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rock music

a genre of popular music, with a strong beat played on electric guitars and drums, evolved from rock and roll and pop music

Nhạc rock

Nhạc rock

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