Little vs. A Little
In fact, these two words are too important. Therefore, they are confused a lot by the English learners.
What Are Their Main Differences?
We can easily find their differences and similarities because they are majorly used in English. 'Little' means in a small amount, but less than needed while 'a little' means in a small amount but enough.
'Little' and 'a Little' as Quantifiers
- 'Little':
as a quantifier means a small amount or some that is not enough for us. Therefore, 'little' and 'a little' can be different by their meanings.
There is
The doctor suggested to have
- 'A little':
as a quantifier means a small amount or some that is enough and sufficient.
Her mother spread
'Little' as an Adjective
- 'Little':
can be an adjective and it means small, but 'a little' cannot be used as an adjective.
girls are listening to the song.")
When I was cleaning up the room I found a tiny
'Little by Little'
The expression little by little means step by step and gradually. For example, if something happens 'little by little' it happens gradually.
They got to know me
Countable or Uncountable Nouns?
- 'Little' and 'a little':
as determiners are both followed by an uncountable noun.
She rubbed
We cannot make anything with this
'Little' and 'a Little' as Pronouns
'as Little as'
As little as is used to say a quantity or amount is surprisingly small.
I will finish the book in
It takes
'Little of' and 'a Little of'
A little of and little of are used before noun phrases. Check out the examples to learn the structure.
She put