'By' is a preposition but it also functions as an adverb. In this lesson, we will discover its uses and rules.
By can be a preposition or an adverb and in this lesson, we have covered its uses with some examples.
1. 'By' as a Preposition
- 'By' shows the agent.
- 'By' shows the instrument.
- 'By' shows the manner.
- 'By' shows time adverbs.
- 'By' shows the place.
- 'By' shows the position.
- 'By' shows a value.
1.1 'By' Shows the Agent
By indicates the agent or the doer of an action. The prepositional phrase it makes is only positioned at the end of the sentence.
The car was painted
passive verb
That's a painting
'By Picasso' is an adverb but cannot be positioned at the beginning of the sentence.
1.2 'By' Shows the Instrument
By indicates the instrument, mainly means of transport. In this case, the prepositional phrase mainly comes at the end.
I travel to Europe
I had a journey
1.3 'By' Shows the Manner
By can show the method of doing something. Take a look:
- By is used to show the method of doing something and it has a similar meaning to 'through.' Look:
In this case only, the prepositional phrase can come at the end of the sentence too.
I will keep in touch with you
She comes inside
- How does she come inside? - by the front door.
Can I pay it
- By comes before emphatic pronouns to show how people do something. It mainly means 'alone':
I will do that
I will do that alone.
- By can be followed by a noun to show how something happens. The prepositional phrase, in this case, can come at the beginning, in the middle, or at the end of a sentence.
By accident = accidentally
- By is used to add information about where someone comes from, what someone does, what characteristic someone has, etc. The prepositional phrase, in this case, can come at the beginning, in the middle, or at the end of a sentence.
He is kind
'By nature' acts like an adverb for 'is.' It means 'naturally.'
He is a doctor
by profession = professionally
1.4 'By' Shows Time Adverbs
By is used before time adverbs and makes a prepositional phrase that acts as an adverb. In other words, it can head or come at the end of the sentence. Look:
- By means 'no later than'
I will have lost 2 kilos
Here, 'by' means 'no later than' and the prepositional phrase 'by this time next year' can come at the beginning of the sentence.
- By means 'during'
We traveled
Ants always gather food
1.5 'By' Shows the Place
By is used to show the place of someone in relation to something and it has a similar meaning to 'near or past.' In this case, the prepositional phrase makes an object.
She walked
'By me' means 'past me' and it is the object.
I am standing
'near you'
1.6 'By' Indicates the Position
By can be used to show how we hold something. The prepositional phrase mainly comes at the end. Look:
I caught him
I picked it up
- How did you pick it up? - By its right corner.
1.7 'By' Shows the Measurement
By is used before numbers and measurements and it means 'up to.' Here, the prepositional phrase acts as an adverb as well. Look:
I will decrease it
Their wages have decreased
There is an increase
up to 2 percent
Position in a Sentence
If the prepositional phrase shows the agent, the instrument, the method, the place, the measurement, the position, or comes before emphatic pronouns, it is positioned at the end of a sentence. In other cases, it can be placed at the beginning, in the middle, or at the end of a sentence. Look:
I am standing
'by' shows the place and the prepositional phrase comes at the end.
Ants always gather food
'By' shows the time, so 'by summer' can be placed at the beginning of the sentence too.
2. 'By' as an Adverb
By can be an adverb and add more information to the verb. For example:
- By is used with some verbs to show the distance or time. It has a similar meaning to 'past.'
The time flew
I walked
- By also means 'near' and usually comes with the verb be.
The hospital is close
- By can be used in contexts of 'saving' and means 'aside, away.'
Put some money
Put it
Position in a Sentence
The adverb by stands after a verb to modify it. Take a look:
The hospital is close
I walked