Articles related to "prepositions of time"


prepositions of time

Prepositions of time help us talk about a specific time and they describe when something happens in the present, the future or the past.

In or At The Beginning

You want to refer to the start of an action or event, but you're uncertain if you should say in the beginning or at the beginning?


While vs. During

'While' and 'during' are similar in meaning but they are grammatically different. In this lesson, we will learn all about them.



'On' is a preposition that has many functions, such as expressing time, place, and manner. In this lesson, we will examine it in detail.


As Long As vs. Until

'As long as' and 'until' are used to express time. In this lesson, we will discover their similarities and differences.



'Since' has different functions in the English language. In this lesson, we will discover more details about this word and learn when to use it.



'Outside' is also common among native English speakers. So, do you wanna learn more about it? What are you waiting for then? Come on.



The next word we are going to analyze together is 'near'. Let's see what we can get out of it.



'At' is a preposition that has many functions including expressing time and place. In this lesson, we will examine it in detail.


By vs. Until

'By' and 'until' are both used to talk about time but there are differences between them. In this lesson, we will learn more about their uses and differences.



The word 'past' has many functions in the English language which may cause confusion. In this lesson, we will solve any uncertainty about this word.



This time, we are going to learn all there is about 'inside. Are you ready? Come join me, then.


For or On

When we are talking about certain times, which preposition of time can we use? In this lesson, we will learn when to use 'for' and 'on.'



'Towards' is another common term in the English language. Here, we will learn about all there is to it.


In vs. At

'In' and 'at' are prepositions that are used for showing time. In this lesson, we will learn their uses and differences.


By vs. At

'By' and 'at' are both used to show 'time' which is why they might confuse learners. In this lesson, we will learn their uses and differences.



'Between' is one of those words that every English speaker must be familiar with. In this lesson, we will go over everything about it.



The word 'during' is used widely in the English language. We have collected all the information related to this word.


By vs. Before

'By' and 'before' are mainly confused when they are referring to time. In this lesson, we will learn their uses and differences.


Expressing Dates

Telling the date is one of the most common subjects in our daily life. In this lesson, we will learn how to express the date of something.


Expressing Time

Expressing time is not just about time and numbers. In this lesson, we will learn how to tell time and learn more about it.



'Through' is a word in English that may confuse learners at first sight. It functions as a preposition, an adverb, and an adjective.


By or On

'By' and 'on' may confuse the learners when it comes to referring to time. In this lesson, we will learn their differences and find out when to use them.



'By' is a preposition but it also functions as an adverb. In this lesson, we will discover its uses and rules.


By vs. Within

'By' and 'within' may confuse learners. In this lesson, we will find out why and discuss their uses and differences.



'In' is a preposition. It has many functions, such as expressing time, place, and manner. In this lesson, we will examine them in detail.


In or At The End

Everything comes to an end but how do you say it? Is it 'in the end' or 'at the end'? We will learn more about them in this lesson.


On vs. Upon

'On' and 'upon' are said to be equivalents and can be interchanged. In this lesson, we will learn when to use each of them.


On or At The Weekend

The final days of every week that are off days are called the weekend. But how do we refer to it? Is it 'on the weekend' or 'at the weekend?'


On or In Vacation

Have you spent your free time well? But how can you refer to it? Is it 'on' or 'in vacation'? Find out in this lesson!


On time vs. In time

This time, we're gonna delve into more grammatically confusing words. I'm pretty sure you've heard them before. Wanna come in? Join me.


Expressing Dates

Telling the date is one of the most common subjects in our daily life. In this lesson, we will learn how to express the date of something.


For vs. Since

Both 'for' and 'since' are used to talk about how long an action continues. In this lesson, we will learn their uses and differences.



'Within' is also a common word in the English language. Let us see what we can get from it.



'Beyond' is another one of those common words among native speakers that you should be familiar with. Come with me and let's learn about it together.


Expressing Time

Expressing time is not just about time and numbers. In this lesson, we will learn how to tell time and learn more about it.


For vs. Since

This time, we're gonna analyze two confusing grammatical prepositions. These two are widely used among native speakers.



'You have heard this before.' You may have noticed 'before' in such sentences. In this lesson, we will discover more about it.



The word 'after' functions as a preposition, conjunction, adverb, and adjective. In this lesson, we will discover this word in detail.



'From' is a preposition that can be used in many contexts. In this lesson, we will discuss this preposition in detail.


Before vs. Ago

I'm sure you've already thought about the similarities and differences between 'before' and 'ago'. Well, I'm gonna tell you all there is about them.


For vs. During

We use 'for' and 'during' to indicate time but there are differences between them. In this lesson, we will learn their uses and differences.



'Until' is a word that is commonly used in the English language. In this lesson, we will learn more about it and its uses.



In this lesson, we will learn all about the word 'into' which is mainly used to describe movement.


Before vs. Beforehand

This time, we're gonna delve into the differences between 'before' and 'beforehand'. Are you ready? Still interested in learning? Brilliant.


On vs. In

'On' and 'in' are both prepositions that show time which is why they are confused by learners. In this lesson, we will learn their uses and differences.



'About' is a preposition but it can also be used as an adverb. In this lesson, we will discover al about this preposition.


On or In Month

Do you want to refer to a specific date? Is it 'in month' or 'on month'? In this lesson, we will learn which is correct.


From vs. Since

'From' and 'since' are both used to talk about a specific time period. In this lesson, we will learn their uses and differences.


Prepositions of Time

Prepositions allow us to talk about the relationship between two words in a sentence. Here, we will discuss the different prepositions of time in English.


Before vs. Until

Many English learners mistake these two prepositions for each other. In this lesson, I'm gonna teach you more. So, join me, will ya?

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