Articles related to "demonstratives"



Demonstratives indicate the distance of an object, event, or person in space or time in relation to the speaker.


'Those' is a plural demonstrative pronoun. In this part, we will go through its uses and grammatical rules in English grammar.



'These' is the plural form of 'this.' In this part, we will go through its uses and grammatical rules in English grammar.



'This' is a word that shows something or someone. In this part, we will go through its uses and grammatical rules in English grammar.



This article discusses distinguishing between referents or senses that are identifiable in a given context and those that are not. Let's begin!


Demonstrative Pronouns

A demonstrative pronoun is a pronoun mostly used to point to something based on its distance from the speaker. In English, these pronouns have four forms.



Understanding pronouns enable us to understand pro-forms in English very well. Pro-forms are alternatives that are put in the position of words, phrases, etc.



Demonstratives express distance in space and time. In this lesson, we will discover the rules, types, uses, and more in detail.



Demonstratives express distance in space and time. In this lesson, we will discover the rules, types, uses, and more in detail.


Demonstrative Determiners

Demonstrative determiners in English are this, these, that and those. They are used to identify the person or thing that is being referred to.



In this lesson, we will learn more about 'that,' which is a demonstrative pronoun that can replace a noun and become the subject or the object of a sentence.


Demonstrative Adverbs

Demonstrative adverbs emphasize the location of something in relation to the speaker. In this lesson, we will learn all about them.

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