
Arts and Crafts - Wood, Stone, and Metal Crafts

Here you will learn some English words related to wood, stone, and metal crafts such as "carpentry", "casting", and "stonemasonry".









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Words Related to Arts and Crafts
cabinet making

the art and craft of creating furniture, particularly cabinets, by designing, cutting, shaping, fitting, and finishing wood pieces to produce functional and aesthetically pleasing pieces of furniture


a skilled trade that involves working with wood to construct, install, and repair structures, furniture, and other objects, using various hand and power tools and techniques such as measuring, cutting, shaping, and joining wood pieces


a woodworking technique that involves creating decorative designs or pictures by fitting together various shapes and colors of wood pieces

lacquer painting

a traditional Asian art form that involves applying layers of lacquer, a resinous substance derived from the sap of certain trees, to create a durable and glossy finish on various objects


a woodworking technique that involves creating decorative designs or pictures by using thin veneers of different colored woods, which are cut and fitted together to create a pattern or image

timber framing

a traditional building technique that involves constructing wooden frames using large, heavy timbers that are fitted together with mortise-and-tenon or other joinery techniques


the craft of covering and padding furniture, such as chairs, sofas, or benches, using various materials such as fabric, leather, or vinyl, to create comfortable and stylish seating


the art or technique of decorating wood or other materials by burning a design onto the surface using a heated tool or instrument

wood carving

the art of sculpting or shaping wood into various three-dimensional objects, such as figurines, decorations, or furniture


a woodworking technique that involves shaping a piece of wood by rotating it on a lathe while cutting tools are held against the spinning wood to create various cylindrical or symmetrical shapes


the skill or activity of making objects out of wood


the ancient art of shaping flint, chert, obsidian, or other types of stone into tools, weapons, or decorative objects


decorative patterns made of wood or metal, put into the surface of an object in a way that they level with the surface


a skilled trade that involves cutting, shaping, and installing natural stone for various construction projects


the art of assembling beads or other small objects, such as shells, stones, or seeds, into decorative or functional designs

bone carving 

the art of sculpting or carving bones, such as those from animals or humans, into various three-dimensional objects, such as jewelry, ornaments, or decorative items

chip carving

a woodworking technique that involves using a chisel or knife to remove small pieces of wood from a flat surface in a repetitive pattern to create intricate designs and textures


a metalworking technique in which a design is raised on a metal surface from the reverse side by using hammering and shaping


a metalworking technique that involves shaping and decorating a metal surface by hammering and pressing it from the backside with various tools

vitreous enamel

a decorative coating made by fusing powdered glass to a metal surface through a high-temperature firing process


decorative designs that are cut into metal, wood, etc.


a technique used in metalworking to connect two or more pieces of metal together, such as welding, soldering, or brazing


the art of cutting, shaping, and polishing gemstones, minerals, and rocks into decorative objects, such as jewelry, sculptures, or decorative items

lath art

a type of woodworking that involves repurposing old wooden laths into decorative objects


the art and craft of shaping and manipulating metal into useful or decorative objects


a form of metalwork that specifically focuses on the creation of objects from silver, such as jewelry, flatware, and decorative items


the art and craft of shaping and manipulating iron and steel through heating, hammering, and other techniques to create tools, weapons, decorative objects, and other useful items


a manufacturing process in which a liquid material, often metal or plastic, is poured into a mold and allowed to solidify into a desired shape


a decorative art form that involves affixing thin metal wires to a metal surface to create small compartments, or cloisons, which are then filled with enamel and fired in a kiln to create a colorful and intricate design


a skilled craftsman who specializes in the care of horses' hooves, including trimming, shoeing, and corrective work to maintain or improve the horse's performance and health


the craft or practice of working with gold to create jewelry, decorative objects, or other items through techniques such as shaping, soldering, engraving, and polishing


the skillful trade of working with locks and keys, including repairing, installing, and adjusting them


a malleable alloy made primarily of tin with small amounts of copper, antimony, and other metals


the craft of creating objects, such as household utensils, decorative items, and roofing materials, from thin sheets of metal


the art of forging, shaping, and finishing blades, typically made from steel, into knives, swords, and other cutting tools using various techniques such as heat-treating, grinding, and polishing

metal stamping

a manufacturing process that uses a stamping press to shape flat sheets or coils of metal, such as steel, aluminum, or brass, into desired forms by applying pressure with a die and punch set

brass rubbing

a method of reproducing brass engravings, particularly those found in churches, by laying a piece of paper over them and rubbing soft chalk or crayon on it

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