تحضير الطعام والشراب - أجهزة الطبخ
هنا سوف تتعلم أسماء أجهزة الطبخ المختلفة باللغة الإنجليزية مثل "الميكروويف"، و"القدر البخاري"، و"المحمصة".
بطاقات الفلاش
اختبار قصير
a kitchen appliance that uses hot air circulation to cook food quickly and evenly
قلاية هوائية, مقلاة هوائية
a flat metal structure used for cooking food over an open fire
شواية, شبكة الشواء
a box-shaped piece of equipment with a front door that is usually part of a stove, used for baking, cooking, or heating food
فرن, موقد
a big metal container for burning coal or charcoal to keep people warm outdoors
موقد, فحم
an oven in which hot air moves around, using its fan, to heat all sides of the food inside
فرن مروحي, فرن حراري
an appliance shaped like a box that is used for heating or cooking food by putting food on top or inside the appliance
موقد, طباخ
a container with small holes used for cooking food in steam by putting it over a saucepan of boiling water
طباخ بالبخار, إناء بخاري
a traditional Japanese grill, often using charcoal, for cooking small pieces of food
a portable electric appliance used for cooking or heating food and liquids
لوحة ساخنة, موقد كهربائي محمول
a compact set of eating utensils, usually used by soldiers or campers
طقم أدوات الأكل, عدة طعام
a kitchen appliance that instead of heat, uses electromagnetic waves to quickly cook or heat food
فرن ميكروويف, ميكروويف
a pot that has a tight lid and can quickly cook food using high-pressure steam
وعاء الضغط, طنجرة الضغط
a piece of cooking equipment with a metal stick on which meat is spun
مشواة, شواية
an electric appliance which is used for cooking meat or vegetables at a low temperature in liquid
طباخ بطيء, طباخ كهربائي بطيء
a box-shaped equipment used for cooking or heating food by either putting it inside or on top of the equipment
موقد, طباخ
a cylindrical oven, often made of clay or metal, commonly used in South Asian and Middle Eastern cuisine for baking bread
تانور, فرن تنور
an electrical appliance, designed like a small oven that can function as an oven or a toaster
فرن توستر, توستر فرن
an electronic device used in the kitchen to make toast
محمصة, جهاز تحميص الخبز
a kitchen appliance used to cook waffle batter between two hot plates, creating crispy, grid-patterned waffles
آلة الوافل, صانعة الوافل
a kitchen appliance for automatic rice cooking
طباخ أرز, جهاز طبخ الأرز
a machine used for crushing or breaking food such as pepper, coffee, etc. into powder or very small pieces
مطحنة, خلاط
a machine that cuts meat into very small pieces
آلة طحن اللحم, مطحنة اللحم
a kitchen appliance that is used for mixing, beating, and whisking ingredients in food preparation
خلاط كهربائي, مخفق كهربائي
a kitchen appliance used for slicing meat or other foods into thin, even slices.
آلة تقطيع اللحم, مُقطِّع اللحم
a handheld camping cooking tool for making toasted sandwiches or pies over an open flame.
حديد الفطائر, أداة صنع السندويشات
a type of coffee grinder that uses burrs to crush coffee beans into consistent particle sizes for brewing
مطحنة قهوة وحشية, مطحنة قهوة ببذور
a kitchen appliance used for deep frying food items by immersing them in hot oil or fat
مقلاة كهربائية
an electric table-top cooker that uses radiant heat from the lid and sides to cook food
ريموسكا, موقد كهربائي طاولة
a piece of equipment used for cooking or heating food that contains an oven
موقد, طباخ
a large, shallow, tilting skillet used for cooking large quantities of food, typically in commercial kitchens
صينية كبيرة, مقلاة عميقة