GRE এর জন্য উন্নত শব্দভাণ্ডার - প্রত্যেকেরই তাদের নিজস্ব মতামতের অধিকার রয়েছে!
এখানে আপনি মতামত সম্পর্কে কিছু ইংরেজি শব্দ শিখবেন, যেমন "adhere", "pillory", "spate" ইত্যাদি যা GRE পরীক্ষার জন্য প্রয়োজনীয়।
to devotedly follow or support something, such as a rule, belief, plan, etc.
মেনে চলা
to avoid settling or dealing with a problem to avoid responsibility
to strongly and harshly criticize someone or something
শাস্তি দেওয়া
to reveal the exaggeration or falseness of a belief, claim, idea, etc.
অস্বীকার করা
to intentionally make harmful statements to damage a person or thing's worth or reputation
মানহানি করা
to steer away from the main subject and focus on a different topic in speech or writing
বিচ্যুত করা
to help a student come to a conclusion themselves instead of providing them with an answer directly
উদ্বুদ্ধ করা
to restate something one has already said in order to limit the meaning it conveys
সুনির্দিষ্ট করা
to be undecided and not know what opinion, idea, or course of action to stick to
the ability to think sensibly and reasonably and decide what should be done
a lengthy speech that uses harsh and angry language and intends to condemn or criticize
তীব্র অভিযোগ
used when introducing additional information to a statement that has just been made
(of cases, statements, etc.) capable of making others believe that something is true with the use of logic and clarity
having the quality of being closely connected to the subject at hand in a way that is appropriate
giving a highly exaggerated and flattering representation of a person as if they are perfect
behaving in such a manner that displays one's lack of maturity and common sense
expressing one's ideas and opinions so clearly that it leaves no room for doubt
একেবারে স্পষ্ট
something that is very desirable, yet almost impossible to achieve
characterized by bitter, harsh, and caustic criticism or comments