'অফ' এবং 'ইন' ব্যবহার করে বাক্যাংশ ক্রিয়া - ইন্টারঅ্যাক্ট করা, সহযোগিতা করা বা চেষ্টা করা (ইন)
to invite someone to enter a place, often a room, office, house, etc.
নিমন্ত্রণ করা
to concentrate and direct all one's effort, attention, and focus toward achieving a particular goal
কোনো বিষয়ে মনোযোগ দেওয়া
to visit a place or someone without a prior arrangement, often casually and briefly
দরজা ঠোকা
to develop a positive relationship or connection with someone or a group, typically to gain their approval, favor, or influence
সংযোগ গড়ে তোলা
to surrender to someone's demands, wishes, or desires, often after a period of resistance
হার মানা
to form a partnership or collaboration with someone or a group for a common purpose
জোট বেঁধে আসা
to ask someone to come inside and join one at a particular place, typically one's home
ভেতরে আমন্ত্রণ করা
to maintain a positive relationship or connection with someone, often for personal gain or advantage
সন্তোষজনক সম্পর্ক রাখা
to make a brief stop or visit to someone or somewhere, particularly to check on them
দেখা করতে আসা
to make a short, usually unplanned, visit to a place or person
to assist someone to become accustomed to a new environment
অভ্যস্ত করা