
Chování, Postoj a Přístup - Spěch

Prozkoumejte anglická přísloví, která znázorňují spěch, včetně „spěchu si zakopne o paty“ a „hněvu a spěchu brání dobré radě“.







Začněte se učit
Behavior, Attitude, & ApproachViselkedés, Attitűd és Megközelítés
anger and haste hinder good counsel

used to suggest that making decisions or taking action when one is angry or in a hurry can lead to poor judgment and mistakes

hněv a spěch brání dobré radě

hněv a spěch brání dobré radě

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draw not your bow till your arrow is fixed

used to imply that rushing into action without proper preparation or planning can lead to failure or negative consequences

nenatahuj svůj luk, dokud nebude tvůj šíp upevněn

nenatahuj svůj luk, dokud nebude tvůj šíp upevněn

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fool's haste is no speed

used to imply that rushing into action without proper planning or consideration can lead to mistakes or setbacks that ultimately slow down progress

hloupý spěch není rychlost

hloupý spěch není rychlost

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hurry no man's cattle

used to suggest that being patient and respectful of others' possessions and affairs is important, and rushing or interfering without permission can lead to negative consequences

make haste slowly

used to suggest that it is important to move forward quickly and efficiently, but not at the cost of making hasty or impulsive decisions

spěchejte pomalu

spěchejte pomalu

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the sharper the storm, the sooner it is over

used to imply that the more intense a difficult situation or problem is, the quicker it will pass, encouraging perseverance and patience in the face of adversity

čím ostřejší je bouře, tím dříve skončí

čím ostřejší je bouře, tím dříve skončí

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haste trips over its own heels

used to imply that rushing into something without proper planning or thought can cause more harm than good, and it is better to be patient and deliberate in one's actions

spěch zakopne o vlastní paty

spěch zakopne o vlastní paty

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hasty climbers have (their) sudden falls

used to imply that rushing into things without proper planning or consideration can lead to sudden setbacks, mistakes, or problems that ultimately lead to failure

ukvapení horolezci mají své náhlé pády

ukvapení horolezci mají své náhlé pády

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haste makes waste (, and waste makes want)

used to suggest that acting hastily or without proper consideration can lead to wasted resources or opportunities, which in turn can lead to a state of want or need

more haste, less speed

used to suggest that trying to do something too quickly or without sufficient care may result in mistakes and ultimately take longer to complete than if one had approached the task with more patience and attention to detail

práce kvapná málo platná

práce kvapná málo platná

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