Chování, Postoj a Přístup - Ospravedlnění a výmluvy
Osvojte si anglická přísloví týkající se ospravedlnění a výmluv, jako „kdo se omlouvá, sám sebe obviňuje“ a „v lásce a válce je vše spravedlivé“.
used to imply that in certain situations, such as relationships or conflicts, people may be willing to take any action to achieve their goals, even if it is not morally or ethically right
used as an excuse for indulging in an additional beverage, etc.
pták nikdy neletěl na jednom křídle
used to emphasize the importance of taking responsibility for one's actions and not blaming external factors for one's lack of competence or effort
špatný dělník obviňuje své nástroje
used to suggest that the desired outcome or goal of a particular action is more important than how it was achieved, even if that involves unethical or immoral methods
účel světí prostředky
used to imply that being unaware of a law does not excuse someone from being punished for breaking it
used to suggest that if someone finds something that is not theirs, they are entitled to keep it, and that the original owner has no claim to it
nálezci strážci, poražení pláčci
used to imply that in times of extreme hardship or difficulty, it may be necessary to take unconventional or extreme actions in order to solve a problem or overcome an obstacle
used to imply that making excuses for one's failures is self-defeating and ultimately leads to a lack of progress and success
výmluvy jsou hřebíky používané ke stavbě domu selhání
used to imply that an excuse is a form of dishonesty that is even more harmful than a lie because it is a deceptive attempt to justify or explain one's actions while avoiding accountability
omluva je horší a hroznější než lež, protože omluva je lež střežená
used to imply that even a weak excuse is better than not offering any explanation or justification
špatná výmluva je lepší než žádná
used to imply that when someone tries to explain or justify their actions or behavior, it can actually make them appear guilty or at fault, so taking responsibility is often better