
Slovesa Mentálních Procesů - Slovesa pro učení

Zde se naučíte některá anglická slovesa vztahující se k učení, jako je „studovat“, „uchopit“ a „cvičit“.









Začněte se učit
Categorized English Verbs Denoting Mental Processes
to learn

to become knowledgeable or skilled in something by doing it, studying, or being taught

učit se, získávat znalosti

učit se, získávat znalosti

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to master

to learn to perform or use a skill or ability thoroughly and completely

ovládnout, masterovat

ovládnout, masterovat

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to study

to spend time to learn about certain subjects by reading books, going to school, etc.

studovat, učit se

studovat, učit se

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to internalize

to incorporate or integrate information, beliefs, or values into one's own understanding or mindset

internalizovat, začlenit

internalizovat, začlenit

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to acquire

to gain skills or knowledge in something

získat, nabýt

získat, nabýt

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to absorb

to understand and incorporate information, ideas, or experiences

absorbovat, asimilovat

absorbovat, asimilovat

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to take in

to comprehend something

pochopit, asimilovat

pochopit, asimilovat

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to assimilate

to fully comprehend and integrate information or ideas

asimilovat, integrovat

asimilovat, integrovat

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to digest

to mentally process and integrate information or experiences

strávit, asimilovat

strávit, asimilovat

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to grasp

to mentally understand information or concepts

pochopit, uchopit

pochopit, uchopit

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to practice

to do or play something many times to become good at it

cvičit, trénovat

cvičit, trénovat

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to rehearse

to practice a play, piece of music, etc. before the public performance

zkoušet, cvičit

zkoušet, cvičit

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to brush up

to practice and improve skills or knowledge that one has learned in the past

osvěžit si, zdokonalit se

osvěžit si, zdokonalit se

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to specialize

to have the necessary knowledge, experience, or set of skills in a particular field

specializovat se, specializuje

specializovat se, specializuje

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