Slovesa pro Správu Informací a Objektů - Slovesa pro hodnocení
Zde se naučíte některá anglická slovesa vztahující se k hodnocení, jako je „test“, „analyzovat“ a „hodnotit“.
to take actions to check the quality, reliability, or performance of something
testovat, zkoušet
to test something by doing or using it to find out if it is suitable, useful, good, etc.
zkusit, vyzkoušet
to test something new or different to see how good or effective it is
vyzkoušet, testovat
to do a scientific test on something or someone in order to find out the results
experimentovat, provádět experiment
to examine something scientifically, typically to discover facts or evidence
zabývat se, šetrně prozkoumat
to study a subject carefully and systematically to discover new facts or information about it
zkoumat, badat
to look at something or someone carefully to find potential issues
zkoumat, vyšetřit
to examine or study something in detail in order to explain or understand it
analyzovat, zkoumat
to carefully examine something to verify its quality, accuracy, or condition
zkoumat, prověřit
to examine something closely and carefully in order to find errors
zkoumat, podrobně prozkoumat
to examine something or someone very carefully and thoroughly
zkoumat, analyzovat
to examine or look for something, particularly using a small long instrument
zkoumat, prozkoumávat
to take a closer look at something, especially thoroughly in order to investigate
zkoumat, prozkoumávat
to thoroughly review, examine, or check something
přezkoumat, zkontrolovat
to examine something closely and analyze it in order to understand its essential features or meaning
studovat, zkoumat
to carefully examine something to find problems, mistakes, or make sure that it is satisfactory
zkontrolovat, ověřit
to closely examine to see if someone is suitable or something is true
ověřit, zkontrolovat
to carefully examine something to check its condition or make sure it meets standards
zkoumat, prověřit
to take a small portion or specimen of something for examination, testing, or as a representation of a larger whole
odebrat vzorek, vzorkovat
to perform an official examination or review of a company’s financial records or accounts to ensure accuracy and compliance
auditovat, zkoumat
to carefully examine or assess something or someone
posoudit, zkoumat
to examine or inspect something quickly
rychle zkontrolovat, prohlédnout si
to investigate further based on information or suggestions provided by someone
následovat, prozkoumat
to calculate or judge the quality, value, significance, or effectiveness of something or someone
hodnotit, vyhodnocovat
to form a judgment on the quality, worth, nature, ability or importance of something, someone, or a situation
posoudit, zhodnotit
to form a decision or opinion based on what one knows
soudit, hodnotit
to position someone or something on a scale based on importance, quality, etc.
seřadit, hodnotit
to give a score or rank to something based on its quality or performance
hodnotit, známkovat
to determine if someone or something meets the necessary requirements or standards
kvalifikovat, určit
to make someone or something not fit or suitable for a particular position or activity
diskvalifikovat, vyloučit
to carefully examine something and judge its value, often in terms of money or quality
ohodnotit, ocenit