Slovesa Pomoci a Poškození - Slovesa pro eliminaci
Zde se naučíte některá anglická slovesa odkazující na eliminaci, jako je „delete“, „omit“ a „purge“.
to remove something, such as words from a text or unnecessary elements from a plan

smazat, odstranit

to leave out or exclude something or someone, usually intentionally, from a list, text, or action

vynechat, opomenout

to get rid of something, often by throwing it away or selling it

odstranit, zbavit se

to completely destroy something, particularly a problem or threat

eradicovat, vymýtit

to remove unwanted or unnecessary things from something or somewhere

vyčistit, odstranit

to discover and eliminate a harmful or dangerous person or thing from a place or situation

odstranit, vykořenit

to clean and improve the quality of a substance by removing impurities and increasing its concentration

čistit, čistit

to use a soft cloth or tool to clean and remove particles from the surface of objects, like furniture

setřít prach, utírat prach

to eliminate or neutralize harmful substances

detoxikovat, neutralizovat škodlivé látky